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I texted my mom asking her if I could go to Ty's place and she said yes

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I texted my mom asking her if I could go to Ty's place and she said yes.

Then Marco pulls up in front of me.

"Wasssup kid" he said to Taylor

"Nothing but since your here you can wait for Chris because Shawn is coming with me to work on our project" she said

"Ok fine with me but DeShawn come here really fast." I walked over to him. "I know how you are and if you need me call me. Knowing ty she wouldn't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable but if it happens call me I'll be down the street with Chris ok" I nodded.

"Cool come on Shawn I just told my besties I was with you so we should be good" she yelled even tho I was right beside her.

"Ok" I whispered and got in her car.
When we got to her house I followed her until we got to a room.

She sat on her bed and patted down next to she telling me I could sit.

She is really pretty

"Thanks Shawn" she said blushing.

"I said that out loud" she nodded
I looked down a little embarrassed

"It's ok Shawn I think you cute too" she said which made me blush a little.

"Let's play 21 questions as an ice breaker"


"What's your favorite color" she started

"Black you?"

I don't know why but I feel comfortable talking to her and we barely said anything

" red are you a virgin"

"Yes" I said low starting to feel uncomfortable all over again

"Same" she said

We started to talk more and more and

I was feeling good about it.

Taylor Moore

Me and Shawn's conversation was good

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Me and Shawn's conversation was good. I could tell he was uncomfortable at first but now he's more comfortable.

Then in came Andre. He opened my door and ran to me with his arms open. I picked him up and hugged him.

"Dre this is Shawn, Shawn this is my little brother Dre"

"Hi" Dre said waving at Shawn

"Hi there little man" he said waving backs smiling I was a little surprised a little but hey he was improving.

"Marco said he was outside so I guess I'm leaving see you tomorrow." He said giving me a small little side hug and then walking out.

Once he left I ate and Dre came back in my room. I sat him down in front of the tv and FaceTime Myah, Kayla, and Kevin.

"Y'all ready to hear my story" Kayla said.

" Sure" the rest of us said

"ok so this is after we came from Cali ok so I was walking with Matthews right. Then this boy came up to me and when I tell you he was fine he was fine. So the cock blocker Matthews is he gonna tell him to fuck off and I was mad cause he actually walked away. But then this nigga done fought my ig and dm me. So I was talking to him and come to find out his name David and now he wanna take me on a date and y'all bithces gonna help me make sure Matthews don't find out or he gonna beat my ass."

"What he look like" me Kevin and Myah said at the same time.

"What he look like" me Kevin and Myah said at the same time

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"Ok you got some taste." I told her

"Welp my niggas calling I'll talk to y'all tomorrow" Myah said hanging up

"Bye bitches" Kayla hung up

"Bye lil bit I'll buy you food tomorrow so don't got to McDonald's."  He hung up

I then went to sleep with Dre beside me.

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