Chapter 14:

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Colby turns back to the tv with tears in his eyes. I felt terrible. I knew he felt bad about what he did.

"I- Colby.." I start. He stops me, "No Rose. I get it. I'm not good for you." He says whilst his voice is cracking because of his tears. "That's not true. Colby, your the best guy I've ever met. Colby.. I love you." I say.

Love. It's a strong word. But when I say it, I mean it.

He turns to face me. His tears have stopped, "You love me?" He asks with a look of hope. I nod. "Rose. I love you too. I'd give anything to be with you. I realize how stupid I was and have been." He says. I stop him from continuing his sentence by connecting my lips to his.

We kiss for about 5 minutes. Just holding each other while the background music from the movie plays. It's magical. My life feels like a movie. It has its up's and downs but I know I'll get through it as long as I have Colby by my side.

(Sorry for the short chapter. I've been busy with school and editing on my Instagram. I love you guysssss and thank you so much for 3k!

My Instagram: @aesthetictraphouse)

I met you in middle school / Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now