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Ty's eyes fluttered open. It's took him a few seconds of panic to realise where he was. He didn't recognise the walls or the decoration, it was the smell that reminded him of where he was (That and the fact that Kit was cuddled up to him).

The back of his hand caressed Kit's jawline. He had liked Kit ever since he knew him, although he hadn't made that very clear. Ty didn't know how to express his feelings for Kit, seeing as he had never felt anything like that towards anyone. 

One of the things that Ty regretted the most was not telling Kit that he loved him. Ty spent sleepless nights thinking about what his relationship with Kit had potential for, and how it had ended. Dry told him that mundanes called it anxiety. 

Ty was brought back to reality with Kit shifting his position. Kit's eyes opened slowly as they adjusted to the light coming from the open curtain. 

"Don't go" - Kit muttered, reaching out for Ty

Ty pressed a soft kiss to Kit's lips, they were smooth. Kit, now awake, was surprised by the kiss but leaned in. He let go a noise as Ty caressed his spine. They could feel their hearts beating as the kiss got heated. 

Kit broke apart, the kiss was perfect, but everyone needs to breathe once in a while. 

"I'm not going anywhere" - Ty replied


The day before Ty had ended school for the year he realised that he hadn't talked to Kit for over a year, and if he didn't do it, his siblings would force him. 

So instead of portaling from the Scholomance to the Los Angeles Institute, Ty went to Jem and Tessa's house in Devon. If everything went wrong Tessa could portal him back to LA. 

Ty landed in Great Britain, most Shadowhunters were affected on portaling, but Ty had gotten used to it over the years. 

He walked to the Corsairs Mannor and knocked on the door. Tessa opened the door, revealing that she was holding a chubby toddler with wavy dark brown hair in her arms.

"Ty! Come in" - She said, her face with a pleasant smile

To be continued.... Because I'm lazy and there's no point in continuing it if you don't like it

That's it! I hope you like it


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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