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"Your majesty," The man in front looked up to a pair of golden eyes that pierced through his very soul. "Please understand, we only have so much to give." King Alexander simply rose an eyebrow at the pitiful farmer on his knees. Desperation plain on his face as he spoke with his King. "We didn't intend to keep the harvest from Alpha Maine-"

"But you admit that you kept it from your pack." Alpha Maine snarled.

Alexander's face remained stoic despite the obvious disrespect that Alpha Maine had just displayed. It had stayed the same since this whole inquest had begun.

Alexander could easily see the greed in the Alpha's, just as he could easily see the hidden rage that came whenever the farmer, Jonas would speak. Jonas would stutter and speak softly in fear of retribution from his Alpha. This was something that even Alexander could sense coming to the poor Omega. Alpha Maine was trying to be clever by hiding his true emotions, his true plan.

Obviously, Maine knew that as long as he was in Alexander's court, he couldn't dare touch, Jonas. But that didn't stop him from planning revenge on the farmer as soon as the inquest was over. Alpha Maine smirked this whole time. His ego oozing out, as he was confident in his calculative plan. To remain impassive until this was all over. Then he would get his way. It was unsettling Alexander's wolf, to say the least. Disrespecting him would be the least of Alpha Maine's crimes. And this point? Alexander had enough of that smug smirk and comments.

"Alpha Maine," he growled, standing up, eyes narrowed at the two men before him. "I'm ready to pass judgment."

Alpha Maine and Jonas both stiffened at their King's tone, holding their heads down in submission.

"Because this whole situation was discovered during a visit by my Theta, I was gracious enough to elect myself as the one to oversee the case and pass judgment." He watched Alpha Maines teeth grit together. "But I understand what is going on here." Alexander pointed to Jonas. "This man may be an Omega, but it's clear enough that he is malnourished. This is shocking considering the fact that he is doing all of the grunt work every day, trying to not only care for the pack and his family by growing a harvest. He should be among the healthiest individuals you have in your pack, seeing as he needs to meet those demands." Alexander paused. "But he's not. In fact, anyone not in the immediate hierarchy of your pack is just as sick and just as malnourished."

"That's because they keep and sell the harvest for money for themselve-" Alexander's eyes grew black at Alpha Maine.

"YOU ARE JUST A PUP HERE." Alexander snarled, causing Maine to whimper at the sound of his Alpha tone. "I know how you run your pack. And it's disgusting. You are lucky I gave you the chance to speak at all. YOU WILL NOT MOVE." Alexander boomed out his command as he dangerously grew closer to the frightened Alpha. 

"I have seen your kind before Maine. Greedy sons of bitches who believe that they are so above their pack that the pack should live to serve only them. While a pack's job is to serve their Alpha, it is the Alpha's job to serve and protect them. You abuse your Alpha command. Your pack is weak, broken, and useless right now. Just like you."

In a flash, Alexander had Maine's throat in his hand, dangling the six-foot man two feet above the ground. His eyes were pitch black. Soulless as they met Maine's frightened expression. "Any Alpha that destroys their pack like that disrespects our kind. Disrespects me. And it will not be tolerated." With that Alexander's free hand dug into Maines back until his fingers wrapped around the spinal column. All it took was a simple pull of force from Alexander to rip it from Maine's body.

Jonas watched in horror as he dropped the lifeless form as if it was a scrunched up piece of paper. The farmer cowered in fear as he watched his King wave his bloody hand over to the guard to bring him a bowl and towel. His heart wouldn't stop pounding-partly from relief that Maine would never terrorize his family, partly from panic at the retribution that the Beta may incur, but mostly from fear of what the Werewolf King would do next as he watched him clean his hand.

"Jonas." The man stiffened at the mention of his name. "No harm will come. You can relax. My men as we speak are taking care of your pack's leadership. They are meeting the same fate, rest assured. When you return, a new Alpha I have selected will run the pack." Alexander's dangerous tone softened but remained steady. It was frightening to see him so calm still. "I've sent supplies and aid as well. This will continue until your new Alpha has you all self-sufficient." Alexander looked up at Jonas to see him nod in understanding.

"Th-thank you, My King." Jonas could only bow once again in response. While his King was known to be a tyrant, he did care about his subjects.

With a rule lasting over 170 years, Jonas grew up under his reign. No one would never know it though, thanks to the royal blood. It kept him immortal or until the King was killed or he decided to pass on. While he had heard the stories, none of them could prepare Jonas for the level of precision and violence he just witnessed. It was quick, clean, and cold. Maine never knew what was coming until was too late.

All Jonas wanted at that moment was to return home. To hold his mate and their pups close. That was when Jonas felt pity for his King because even after 170 years, his King still had no mate. And that made Jonas realize that a small omega farmer was better off than the most powerful king, which made him pity his mateless King even more.

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