Chapter 4

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A/N: SORRRRRRYYYYY, I'm soooo sorrrrryyy that I didn't post the update when I was supposed to. SO I'M VERY SORRY. I made it longer than the last chapters so, YAY!!! Also I have my lovely editor GottaGoSanicFast that helped me edit this chapter. They make a super funny bnha chatfic so please go check that out. I talking a lot sooo, see ya.

I walk over the cafe with my headphones on.
I bobbed my head to the music playing in my ears. Soon enough, I made it over to the cafe. I walk into the restaurant and look around to see Mirio looking over and waving at me.

I waved, taking off my headphones and walking over to Mirio.

"Hey, Tamaki how are you?" Mirio said grinning.

"G-good w-w-what about y-y-you?" I stuttered. Curse my stuttering. Why can't I just talk normally?

"Great, you look-"

"Hello what would you like today?" The waitress asked.

"Oh umm," I quickly scan over the menu "Can I have a salad with some water please?"

Okay, and what would you like sir?" She said as she turned towards Mirio.

"Uhhhhhh, can I have some fries with a hamburger and water please?"

"Of course! Your food will be out in a minute." She bowed and went into the kitchen.

I looked at Mirio. I must have zoned out because when I came back Mirio was staring at me. I quickly look away blushing. I can hear Mirio chuckling.

"W-what's so funny." I said pouting.

"It's nothing. Just how you get easily flustered. You're fun to tease."

"I-I-I-I-" I just gave up talking and decided to bury my face in my hands blushing even more.

"Tamaki, are you okay?"

I nodded still to embarrassed to talk.

"Hehe, you don't have to hide your face you know." He reaches over and slowly pried my hands from my face.

I opened my eyes to see Mirio's concerned eyes gazing upon me. His hands were still holding onto mine. My mind finally processed the situation and I immediately blushed trying to scramble back.

I guess he also realized what he did because he also blushed and took his hand away from mine. I frown at the sudden coldness taking over my hand.

"S-sorry, wasn't pay attention to the situation a-and-" Mirio apologized.

"I-I-It's fine."

After a few seconds of silence, Mirio speaks up.

"You have really pretty eyes."

I look at him for a few seconds, then I suddenly start to laugh.

"Pffffffttttt, that's so random. Thanks, I guess."

"Haha, yeah. I guess I tend to do that sometimes."

Finally our food comes. We talk about our lives while eating. Then I see the person that turned part of my life to a living hell.

My eyes widen as I see my ex-boyfriend enter the shop.

"Say M-Mirio, I'm not that hungry and I heard that there's new arcade opening. Wanna go check that out?"

"Ok, let me go to pay for the food I'll be right."

He came back a few minutes later and we decided to go to the arcade.

Time Skip

By the time we finished the arcade it was dark out.

"Wow we really were out long" Mirio said

"Yeah, um wanna come over to my place for a bit."

'I'm probably going to regret this' I thought.

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Ok follow me."

The walk to my place was in a comfortable silence. We made small talk here and there, but it was quiet mostly.

Soon we made it to my front porch. I unlocked the door and held it open for Mirio so he can step inside.

"Welcome to my humble abode. What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Uhhhh we can watch a movie perhaps." Mirio suggested.


'This is so awkward, think tamaki what can I say.' I turn to ask some random question when I heard the window crash upstairs.

"THE FRICK WAS THAT?" I yelled panicking

"I HEARD THAT AN AWKWARD TAMAKI HAS APPEARED AND I AM HERE TO HELP." A voice yelled. I recognized the voice from somewhere...wait.



She hopped down the stairs and leaned on Mirio.



"I think it's-"

"Shhhhhhhh, it's a superhero trust me."

Mirio looked uncomfortable but amused at the same time. He looked over to me and I saw his signal for help.

"Ok, Nejire why don't you just... help us pick a movie."

"OKAY." She skipped over to the television and looked through the selection of movies. I walked over to Mirio who looked amused.

"Sorry about her. She's very energetic and loud. Also very curious so she will ask a lot of questions."

"Thanks for the warning."


She turned and held out the movie she picked. Fricking Titanic.

"Nejire seriously, we watched this a million times when we were kids."


A/N( Never watched Titanic please don't be mad, sorry if I get the names wrong.)

(This is a note from the author's editor: I fixed their terrible Titanic knowledge)

"Fine sure, are you okay with Titanic Mirio?"

"Yeah sure."

We walked over to the couch and settled in, Mirio was on one side, I was in the middle, and Nejire was one the other.

I zoned out and listened to the rain outside, then I felt a head on my shoulder. I looked to my left and saw Mirio bright blond hair. It smelled like mints and lavender. I felt my eyes get heavy and soon I saw black.

bruh why is this chapter so short- the editor.

A/N: It's not short, this took super long to write. And I was busy ( doing nothing ).

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