Chapter 51

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Ashlynn's POV

I have been in bed for about a week

I don't want to go to school and face hayes

I tell my parents that Im not feeling good and that my body hurts

I'm really just sad

I was really hurt

I haven't smiled since the few hours in the hospital after I woke up

Hayes has texted me asking where I was and why I wasn't in school and I just ignored him

Speaking of him he just texted me

It said

H~" ash listen I know you're mad at me but I just can't stand not talking to you, you put a smile on my face every time I looked at you or even just heard your name. I love you. please talk to me"

A~ "hayes you hurt me so bad, Im not just going to make up with you because you say sorry. I have no one now. you and Hannah were my only real friends and you both betrayed me. I have Nash and and marissa thats about it
But Nash is moving away soon and Marissa doesn't live near me anymore.
I think I'm gonna do online school and just get away from everything"

H~ no please I am so so sorry. Im not going to type you a book about why I did what I did so can I come over? So we can talk

A~ I don't really want to see you right now hayes

H~ I know, but I really need to talk to you. In person

A~ I guess so...

H~ thank you
Ill be over in 10

I didn't reply to that

If he tries to get me back I swear ill punch him

I was just sitting on my bed when there was a knock on my bedroom door
We all know who it is so I let him in

He came in and sat on my bed

He tried to explain that he missed me and Hannah reminded him of me and that he was losing hope in me

I wasn't having any of it
I'm still hurt and angry and sad

Then he finally said
"So... will you forgive me and maybe we could start over?"

"Hayes... I don't think so" I said quietly

He looked down at his feet

"Okay" he said
"Can we at least be friends and start over that way?"

I hesitated at first but then
"...Yeah" I said with a smile
That made him smile so big

So then he sat down on my bed next to me and looked at me

He quickly looked down and smiled

After that we were just friends but when we'd pass in the hall he'd kiss my cheek or something like that

But once we got into high school we kind of drifted
We talked less an less and he was always traveling
When I was asked to babysit sky he's be with his friends or up in his room and he'd never come downstairs


We got through high school and we were at our graduation and hayes noticed me and we took a ton of pictures
With family
cam and matt were here and we took cute pictures, funny pictures and normal pictures

Hayes came up to me and he kissed my cheek and nash took the picture.

He stopped and we looked at each other straight in the eyes and I just smiled
I think it was just habit
We both smiled at each other and Nash took another picture

Hayes Grier saved my life (a Hayes Grier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now