Chapter 12

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"I'm still not understanding why we going to New York to help her " azealia says

"Right" sereyah said

them two been complaint since we go on the private jet non stop

"U didn't y'all literally said y'all coming cause y'all mans coming " ryan said

I've notice z was quite the entire time typing away on her phone very aggressively.

"Z u good ? " I asked her

"Great never been better " she said me hearing the sarcasm in her voice

"Talk to me , what's up"

"Nothing it's nothing " she says

I just sat back I wasn't gonna keep asking

The jet stop and we got off and got in the car and Deja drove to her apartment

"Yo slow tf down r u trying to kill us" sereyah asked

She was driving hella fast tho and boogie just siting there unphased

"Boogie how u just sitting there" sereyah asked

"Just how we drive up here" he shrugged we made it to her apartment

"Y'all got me in the projects " sereyah said grabbing my arm hella tight

"Who that guy laying in front of ur door" I asked

"Tommy"Daya said walking up to her door crossing over the dude we all did the same thing

"Wow this place a dump And it small asf " sereyah said looking around

"I'm gone let that slide. I don't need anything down here every thing I need is upstairs in my room "

We walked upstairs in her room and started packing


We was packing my room up

"Who's this lady " Chris asked I looked and saw he was holding a picture of my mama

"Why is she white" sereyah asked

"My mama" I said Smiling. obviously ignoring sereyah stupid ass question

"Where she at come to think about it u never talk about ur parents " I just shrugged and continued to pack "Nothing to talk about"

"Well where ur mama" azealia asked

I looked at boogie and he looked at me "dead" I said going back doing what I was doing

The room went silent "how she die" azealia asked

A lot of "really niggas" and "u stupid bitch "was said

"What we all was thinking it " she shrugged

"She was killed " I said still packing getting irritated by the minute

"Who killed her" she asked and that was it I punched the wall "u so fucking nosy damn, my dad killed her in front of me I was 6" I said telling all cause I knew she would just kept asking and shit .

"Stupid bitch look what u done" Ryan mumbled "Why would u ask that "

"Don't be mad at her cause she had the balls to say what we all was thinking " sereyah said back to Ryan

"That's not the point , she should've just mind her damn business I swear if u wasn't dating my bestfriend I'll put a bullet in ya damn head" Ryan whispered mumble

I was just continuing to pack

"D ur hand bleeding" boogie said

I looked down at it and it was bleeding well more so my knuckles from punching the wall  "oh yeah it is" I said . I just sat there and stared at it . Looking at the blood drip from my hand reminded me of my mom . Me tied up watching blood drip from her body. Watching her take her last breath .

"D !!!!" I heard someone say taking me out my thoughts.

"Huh what?" I asked

"R u okay , u crying " Ryan said

I didn't even realize I was crying I quickly wipe them standing up " Yeah I'm fine , I be back" I left the room going in the bathroom locking the door

I looked at my self in the mirror for a good couple of minutes .  I splashed water on my face cleaned my knuckles and poured carbon dioxide on it so it can heal .

I walked out the bathroom and was meet with boogie
I looked at him  and he didn't say nothing he just pulled me in a hug . At this point I didn't care

"The blood dripping from ur hand reminded u of ur mom" he said I just nodded my head . Boogie the only person that knows what happen that night hell he the only person that knows what happen to  me .

I pulled away " thanks ...... but I still don't like u " I said walking away I could hear him chuckling . I missed him being my bestfriend but ofc I will never tell him that . Too much pride

"Okay is everything ready to go" I asked walking back in the room like nothing happen.

"Yeah...we already started putting things in the car " Sean says

I nodded

"Wait , so we all just gonna act like nothing happen here" sereyah said

"Leave it alone " boogie said coming back in the room

I was really trying to avoid Chris gaze of him staring at me . So I grabbed a box and just went downstairs putting them in the car .

We put the last of the boxes in the car  I was getting ready to close the truck when I heard " Well ....well ..we'll r we trying to leave New York" says a familiar voice I recognize I took a deep breath and closed the truck "what's good Nadia " I said finally turning around to face her "see ur out the hospital " I said smirking

"Yeah u might put me in the hospital but I'm gonna put u in the ground right with ur dead mother" she says pulling out a gun pointing it at me "omg" sereyah says

I saw the rest of them bout to pull thier guns out but I stopped them " nah y'all I got this" I said stepping closer . "If u gone shoot bitch shoot" I said

"Yo officer aren't u gonna like idk help"sereayh says

"I'm on break , they got 10 minutes to do what they gonna do" he says shrugging

"What If one of them die tho" she asked

He shrugged "didn't happen while I was on duty so it's not my business"

"It's taking u hella long to pull that trigger" I said growing impatient

"5 minute " the officer said going back to his phone

"Say hello to ur mama for me" with that she pulled the trigger but it didn't shoot

I laughed and shook my head " stupid u forgot to take the safety off .. so let me show u how it's done "

I took my gun out my pants clicked  the safety off and pulled the trigger shooting her in both her knees

"Ow" she cried in pain dripping to the floor

"2 minutes "

I walked in kneeled down " shhhh...this will all be over soon ..u should've just stayed where u was at"

"1 minute"

I stood up "this one for bringing my mama in this .... let her Rest In Peace " with that I shot her in the head .

"Ahhhhh" sereayh screamed

I put my gun back and walked back to the others " y'all ready" I asked all nonchalant like I just didn't kill a girl 1 sec again

We got in the car and headed back to the private jet .

My ride or die ( zendaya x Chris brown )Where stories live. Discover now