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Today you came to school with red and swollen eyes, it seemed that you had been crying. I hope it's not because of stupid Yoongi, and if so, he doesn't deserve your precious tears, or anyone for that matter. I hated to see your precious eyes darkened by pain, but even sad ones seemed beautiful to me. Sometimes I think that you're so beautiful that no one deserves to see your beautiful. It might seem cliche but I genuinely don't think you should cry over this, even less if the person responsible is too selfish and blind to see what an amazing person you are.

I hope this letter makes you feel better, or at least know that there is someone who loves you without conditions.

Xoxo, peach.

Dear Yugyeom [Jingyeom/transfic] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن