with you

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A fresh and pleasant air ran through the small meadow where yugyeom waited. He waited for his secret admirer to leave the building in front of him, so that he could meet in person the boy who had called himself "peach."

He looked at the time on his phone and turned to see the petals of the cherry blossom tree falling, what a gorgeous sight he thought. "peach" was late, so he was planning to just leave when.

"I'm so sorry I'm late!"

Yugyeom turned surprised by the presence of a soft voice in front of him. So was this his little crush? The boy with round glasses, black hair and pink lips? He couldn't believe it. He had expected him to be some nerd or something, not a shy and handsome student a year older than him. His intentions were to just chat, clear some stuff up and just end up being friends, but now he doubted he really wanted that. Although he could not deny he had fallen for the boy with his sweet words, beyond his physique.

"it's okay, I haven't been here long"

"ah" the dark-haired looked down, quite flustered, and started fidgeting with his hands before extending his hand out to greet him.

"my name is park jinyoung, just so you know"

"oh, my name is yugyeom, but I think you already know that" he says with an awkward chuckle.

They shook hands and made eye contact, deciding whether they should continue the conversation or just wait for something to happen between them.

Finally yugyeom took the first step, turning towards the cherry blossom tree, and lying on the soft green grass.

"come" yugyeom says while pointing to the spot next to him, signaling that jinyoung should sit next to him.

Jinyoung moved towards him, a little hesitant at first, but with confidence he encountered himself and sat next to his crush.

"lie down here" yugyeom gently took jinyoung's head and rested his chest, just above his heart "do you hear how it beats?"

"Y-yes" jinyoung responds shyly

"perfect" yugyeom closed his eyes and enjoyed the gentle breeze, the smell of freshly cut grass and the the sweet feeling of being accompanied by someone who really loved him for, him.

"because it's beating for you"

Dear Yugyeom [Jingyeom/transfic] Where stories live. Discover now