chapter 13

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Advay's face expression changed as soon as he sipped the coffee, he knew chandni didn't make it. He can tell it.

' take it back " he ordered irritatingly , his secretary nodded and went off room with the tray.

He's snapping at everyone in the office, people scared to enter into his cabin. Oh that doesn't include murli. Murli know something bothering him he also its chandni as he had seen the way chandni distancing herself from advay. It's been a couple of weeks since he saw chandni last time in his cabin. She spend time with Aasmi, not that she didn't spend time with aasmi before but these days she doesn't walk to advay's cabin with Aasmi like before.

Niti called murli a few times in the couple of weeks to know about chandni. Although murli convinced niti saying chandni is fine, but she seems distributed. And he will take care of her . The new product launch from Niti's company is next week forcing her
Spend time in office. Even though she wants to go to AR to check chandni, her busy schedule is not allowing her. In the weekends she had to travel to look for the arrangements.

Advay groaned reading his schedule, a couple of meeting needs his presence. Even though he don't want to put his company in danger because of his personal problems, he couldn't bring himself focus on the work.

May be if he hadn't kissed her , may be if he hadn't attracted to her, may be if he hadn't seen her. But a may be cant change the past . He don't know if he regrets kissing her but he regrets when he said it was a mistake. He had seen the way her expression change from blush to shock, he had seen the disappointment in her eyes. He did yet he walk past her.

How could he do this her and again how could he do this to Camila??

Just thinking about Camila kills him, he had promised on their marriage day that he will not look for any woman than her, she will be his wife forever. He won't fall in love with another woman.

they say promises are mean to broken but he can't broke the promise to his wife, not this woman. Though he already feel ashamed for cheating her he can't break his promise.

Camila knows there is fifty - fifty chances of her dead during the pregnancy, yet she did. Only for him, cause he loves kid. If he had known this earlier he wouldn't say yes to the baby, Camila knew it. She hid it from him and he got to know only when she was in labour. He begged god to give back his wife, alas god gave him an angel but took away his love of life. She left him..... Forever!!

Advay wiped out his tears as takes the photo frame of Camila on his table.

' I'm sorry baby ' he said kissing her picture.


" I know there is a tension between you. But advay you should end it. I could see you both are not in your own selves . Just look at you ,you look lost man!! " murli said worryingly. It's been 3 weeks and he already noticed them getting thin. He couldn't take it anymore.

" I'll send her to your cabin. Just finish it. "

" but... "

" finish it " saying he walked out of cabin without hearing advay's pleading.

He don't know how he's gonna face her, it's not going to be easy for him.

After like a year he heard a knock on door , the door opened and revealed the person he's avoiding for 3 weeks.

He could see the bags under her eyes which he knew why. She looked more thin , and vulnerable. He can't blame anyone except him .

' cha... "

" murli is right. We should end it. " advay nodded and Asked her to take a seat.

" I can't work under you if we don't want to see each other. "

" I... "

"let me finish... Mr raizada "

" chandni why... "

" I think it will be better if we keep the relationship professional. Being a worker I can't address you by your first name. "

Advay sighs as he don't know what to say anymore.

" chandni I'm... "

" DON'T.... don't say sorry " advay gulped ,

" Chan..."

" I said don't say sorry adv... Mr raizada. It's not that important and you are not my first kiss. " advay's hand clenched into fist hearing her words.

Of course she's an adult.

Did he expected him to be her first kiss??

The answer is may be, he don't know why it hurts him hearing those words. Even Camila had a boyfriend before him, he wasn't her first. Camila is a sweet girl but his ex boyfriend was a psycho, a fifteen year old Camila thought sex can keep him with her but she didn't know the guy will leave her after the sex. Advay didn't bother about it, what mattered for him was their present life.

chandni rushed out of cabin without waiting for his response. Advay is no mood to call her back.

Chandni placed hand over her heart, she doesn't know from where she gathered courage to talk to him. She didn't lie about him not being her first kiss, she date a few guys. Her job needed her presense and chandni never fails to do her duty, which irked their date so her relationship didn't last than a few months. She now regretting for saying those words. But she can't go back and she knew no matter how much she wanted to run back to the cabin and scream, no one ever kissed her like the way he did , He was her first real kiss . She can't do that, not after knowing he wants to live for ex wife and daughter. With a sigh she made her way to the room where Aasmi is.

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