Chapter 1 : Booker out of the band and started his bring back his old band

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As Booker woke up and saw it was a new day as he get's ready for the day he went to the bathroom and change is close and wear his black pants a black shirt and flatiron his long flow hair to make his emo hair he put on his guy liner and massacre he already has nail splosh on finger nails and toe nails and went to get backpack and eat breakfast with his family.

R: morning boo.

B :  morning mom. 

N: o  Booker. 

B: yeah.

N: your out of band. 

everyone expect Nya : WHAT.

B: why.

N: me and Tess talk over it you are keep us back.

L:so my  mom is drooping us to school right.

C:  yes sweetly.

R: okay  Nya rember  we sing caption to do here. 

N: yep. 

not the video above is your own song.

R: okay time for school bye love you. 

everyone expect raven: you too. 

at school 

Booker walks to his locker and pull out his books and his friends Joe, Leo, and Evan ( Joe is lead guitarist, Leo is the bassist, Evan is the drummer, and Booker is the rhythm guitarist and piano and lead singer and Joe's the backup singer).

B: hey.

J,L,E: hey. 

B: will Tess and Nya  kick me out of the band so our band practice is still on.

J,L,E: sure (leaves).

L: hey Booker.

B: yeah.

L: let's go to class.

as school ends Booker walk with friends to the there practice room where is in the school and the principal said it's okay  as they pick there instruments and begin there practice ( Booker dose the guitar solo video above).

as they stop and Booker  went home before his come he knows a short cut as he was at home he went to his room put his backpack away and pull out his keyboard (elected piano) and begins to sing karma police 

B: let's do this. 

  as he hear the door open he put the keyboard away  he hide it under his bed  and went to the living room and saw Nya and Tess wittering down song lyrics for a new song they made.

B: hey .

N,T: hey. 

B: ( garb a drink form  the fridge leaves before he Nya and Tess listen to his realms on YouTube and subscribers and views are like a billion) ( a/n Booker has his own YouTube channel called try-sins).

T: man realms is a good band (secretly looks at Booker dreamily).     

N: yeah nobody knows the members all we see in the video is the band name a wired emo rock picture .

B: only if you knew ( said in though and left).

N: ( saw what Tess is doing) Booker and  Tess sitting in tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love then comes marriage and walking around in a  baby careered.

T: stop you know  i have a huge crush on Booker.

N: i know now back to the lyrics.  

T: why do you like teasing me about it.

N: because it fun (went back to write down lyrics) 

in Booker and Levi room 

B: (thinking of Tess).

L: you thinking about Tess.


L: so ready to record a video on your channel. 

B: yup hey guys today you hared about the band fire me but my old band back so my bros back make sure our band channels leave a like and a comment and subscribe i see you all later.

R: guys dinner ready. 

B,L: okay.

L: ( what old band thought) coming.

at the dining room 

L:( sat with Nya and Tess) you i heard Booker said old band his back. 

N: Booker was in band before. 

T: i don't know. 

L: i say let's keep an eye on him. 

N,T: agree.  

   B: mom i forgot to put something away in room can i do it real quick 

R: sure.

In Booker's room 

as was in his room garb his first acoustic guitar and went to the closet  and close the door and press a comforted button to do a eye test to his recording studio and begin to play and he has every instrument in there .

B: here it goes. 

as Booker put away his guitar and back to the  dining room to eat after that Tess spend the night with Nya .

B: when will i get noticed around here. 

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