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Aight so there's a wip in my drafts and it's got some fantastical elements to it. But but but my mind has decided to split down two separate paths roughly a thousand words in. I'm also in a bit of a slump so hopefully this lil A/N will get people's hopes up and the crippling anxiety to live up to people expectations will motivate me. Also I'm starting GCSEs literally right now, I started them today so I'm probably gonna be swamped for a while. Cause some fucking genius decided that it's a great idea to give the panicking gcse students tests super early in the school year. Also idk I think that just writing this shit down rn will motivate me or smthn lmao. Anyways, here have this trashy little shittily drawn comic that is just my constant mood

 Anyways, here have this trashy little shittily drawn comic that is just my constant mood

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Ye, my handwriting is shit I'm aware.

The dialogue is:
Me: gosh frickin darnit! Brain! I thought I told you to focus!
Brain: ye
Me: so then y tf have I come up with a whole ass cinematic universe in the two seconds I let you wander!?!
Brain: (-_- )(¬、¬)
Me: don't you fucking turn away from me like the monkey puppet meme, you obstinate lump of fuck!

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