Special Cookies

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Chapter Two: Special Cookies

This cannot be happening...

I return his smirk with a smile, and greet them. "Hello, I'm glad to have ye both over for the evening." I say sweetly.

"As are we," the man says and a faint smile rises from ma lips.

A little silence passes over us as the new man and his son look around the room, the son looking at me more than anything. His eyes smolder into mine, grilling me. Ma hands begin to shake and I try to break the connection that our eyes hold, but he isn't making it easy.

"Let's get seated, shall we?" Mathair speaks up, breaking the silence and relief over takes me. She gives me a brief smile once ma eyes meet hers and I mentally thank her.

As we all sit, I realized that the table was set for four. And to make me seem even more of a dunderheid, I was the one who set it... I guess I didn't pay much attention because I was just excited about Mathair finally bringing the man home. I'm still happy, but could he leave his son behind? I'm not sure how I will be able to put up with him.

"I heard from Kyle's mother that you two go to the same school, do you share any classes together?"His question took me by surprise, for many reasons. One, he said his mother. Two, he doesn't ken his own sons classes nor school. What kind of father is he?

"We go to the same school, though I'm not sure if we share any classes." I answer bluntly.

I look between Kyle and his father and a smile appears on Kyles face. "Don't be silly, Nicole, we have Math and Science together." Amusement passes over his eyes as he looks me down and I force myself to look away. He gives me the boke...

"It must be hard for me to notice when ye blend in with the thousand of other guys just like ye," I retort, flipping ma hair over my shoulder slowly.

For a small second, I could swear I saw shock spread across his face, but it's quickly disguised with smugness. "You just don't want to admit that you watch me almost every class." A huge smirk rises from his lips and I can't help but want to slap it off of him.

"Don't be so cocky, yer not that great." I roll ma eyes and leave ma focus from his. By the corner of ma eye, I can see him looking at me but I'm not ggaunnae give him the satisfactory of a glance.

"Let's eat, yes?" Kyle's Dad asks. And I nod ma head, picking up a dish to circulate the table.

Once all the dishes are passed, I have grabbed a bloody steak and some salad, not wanting any tatties. I watch as everyone takes a bite of their food and smile when they seem to like it. Mathair helped cook the dinner a bit but she's more of a baker so I did most of it.

"This is really good, Karin. What's your secret?" Kyle's Dad asks.

Kyle nods, "Yes, do tell. This is really good!" He takes another bite of his steak, chewing vigorously before taking another.

"Well," Mathair starts and smiles. "I have an amazing scullery mouse who absolutely loves to work her way around." She gives me a small wink and both of the guys notice, as they turn their heads to me.

"You made this?" Shock is evident on Kyles face as he asks the question and I simply nod.

"I had Mum help chop the salad but other then that, aye. It was all me," I smile.

"Have you thought about getting into cooking school?" Kyles father asks and I shake ma head. I've never thought about it if I'm being honest, but now that he has said that, I think I will. Cooking brings me quite joy, turning it into a profession would be amazing.

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