Shade removal operation 1.

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Credit to DJ_AC-Lux for letting me use her Beatist inkopolis universe. I've always wanted to make a book like this, thank you for letting me do so.

F9's P.O.V.

I was running down the hallway, with C7 and X3 behind me.
"Come on, we don't have much time!" I shouted at them. We had to get these shades off of the targets, and leave before they realized we were there.
I came across a door, and kicked it open, revealing an apartment with Callie and Marie just sitting on the couch. They were wearing those hypnoshades as always, and were looking a little more neon than usual.
"7, 3, Restrain them." C7 ran over to Callie, tackled her, and quickly injected her with a sedative. X3 did the same with Marie. X3 grabbed Marie's shades and tossed them on the floor. C7 did the same with Callie, but then he took a knife and cut her wrist open. He pulled a little cyan chip out of Callie's wrist, then stitched the wound closed. X3 let go of Marie, and stomped on the hypnoshades until they were just broken shards of plastic and glass. "Alright, let's leave." I said to the two. "Yes ma'am." C7 drops Callie and walks out the door, with X3 behind him. We exit the building, and exit the square through a nearby grate.

Sorry that this is short.

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