The Hidden Truth.

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*I dont own these photos all credit goes to the original artist*

The hours dragged by as the day turned to night. I sat looking out the window in my room as I sat I soon heard something beside me. The bedroom to my lefts window had been opened and a shadow stood hunched down on the window sill. A mask covered part of there face and tendrils of white hair flew with the cold wind. They stood there for a moment looking out then turned and saw me. They widened there eyes the looked up and jumped. I scream and push open my window hanging out of it and look for the person, I then saw them, they landed on the ground with no problem, they were silent and before leaving they looked at me then turned and ran. The jumped and grabbed on to something and pulled themselves up onto the roof before disappearing into the night. After regaining my composure I questioned why they would be leaving at such a late time. Guess I will just add that to my ever growing list of questions.

I looked at the time and realized it was now midnight. I ended up opening my door and quietly walking down the hall. As I got to the stairs I could hear two people talking among themselves. The one voice I recognized as Macy's but the mans I didn't. I hid in the shadows and listened in for the first part.

"Jay, what is going on back at headquarters its like you guys haven't had your shit together?"

"I know, I know, you need to understand its hard to function when boss man is out of commission."

"I know, C rarely ever does this, what happened that made Mr tough guy sit out for once in his god damned life?"

"The other day he got into a fight with some scum bags, they were trying to kidnap a young girl, maybe about the age of 7 or 8. He stepped in and got her away from them and told her to run and not look back. She listened and escaped but he then had the three men on him. He fought back but eventually they got the upper hand. Two of them managed to stab him into the shoulders and he collapsed on the ground. Luckily Ray wasn't far away and she got the upper hand on them. After that she called for her motorcycle. It go to her and she managed to get C onto it then got back to the medical wing where S then patched him up. He is in recovery now."

Silence fell between the two of them.

I stood there in shock at this. I didn't know how to respond. C had almost died saving a young girl. He would put his own life at risk to save another. Amazing. Before I got to lost in my thoughts I heard them speak again.

"Jay, he needs to be more careful. He is going to get himself killed one day. He needs to learn that he doesn't have to do it all alone, that is why were here. We cant lose him, not now. We need him more then ever before."

"I know mace, I know. But remember it was a young girl, she must have reminded him of you know who from when they were young. "

"Most likely but he needs to watch his back."

I stand there confused, you know who from when they were young? What could that mean.

I step down a stair or two and peer around the corner. I cant see Macy but I saw a man standing there, he was tall, his muscles bulged from beneath his coat, his black hair sat messily around his head looking windswept from being outside. The man began to speak again.

"Anyway mace we need to get this supplies inside before some thieves try and steal it." he paused and looked up in my direction. I shuddered and moved closer into the shadows. He looks back at Macy and gives a slight smirk.

"You know Macy I think we have an eavesdropper in our midst." he pokes his head up

"Oh come on out now darling, theirs no point in hiding anymore once you have already been found out." he gestures a hand towards where I stood. I took in a deep breath and stepped out from where I stood and bowed my head.

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