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Hi I'm Sonic. I'm 17 and I live in a rundown cottage on the edge of Mobus with my dad and my uncle. I don't get any kind of affection from anyone. I am constantly beaten and whipped and bullied everywhere I go. I don't have any friends or even a caring family. My mother died when I was just a baby. So I get no love or shelter from the abuse. I get beaten for eveverything from trying to talk to people to just being even one second late getting home. I even get beat for eating if my dad and uncle find out I'm forbidden to  have any friends I'm not permitted to shower or even get a bath.  I don't get any support I'm constantly told that I'm pathetic and useless and worthless so I gotten to the point  where I have started to believe it. I am so insecure and frightened that I am cutting just to try to get relief from my emotional pain. I don't get any help with homework or with the basic  nessecities for survival.  I am basically skin and bone I don't get lunch even at school so I'm surprised I even made it to my 17th birthday.  I only get small bits of food every four to five days I don't think I'll live to see 18 though if things don't improve soon. I'm anemic and I am anorexic. I don't even know if I can take a fall with out damaging my bones. I can't even express my emotions or cry because I get picked on for that too. I've gotten so I don't wear any thing short slevied I don't wear shorts and I always wear a hoodie to cover my face. I've also trained my self to remain stiff and still no matter what. Currently I'm headed to yet another day of hell at school. I'm surprised that no one's made a comment about the fact I can't walk very good do to my father and uncle beating me before I left for school today. I wince as I feel a stabbing pain shoot up my legs. As I get to school I see that vector and espio and all their  friends are blocking the door to school. Hey worthless rat what's your hurry. I just ignore them and try to get around them. Oh no you don't pathetic runt I'm not done talking. Just then the popular boys come over and the group makes way for them. I see an opportunity to get by so I sneak in wile their distracted by the popular Shadow  and Mephills. I then go to my locker and get the stuff I need for homeroom and chemistry. Then I go to my homeroom and sit in my seat. Hey runt I wasn't done talking to you. I just keep staring straight at my desk and ignore them. The next thing I knew I was punched in the side of the head. I just kept staring at my desk and continued to ignore them. So vector draws back to hit me again. Hey!! Knock it off vector he didn't do anything to you. I look up at that and see Shadow standing toe to toe with Vector. Vector just growls and says this has nothing to do with you. Hey you heard my twin back off. I  then see Mephells come over and he gets into a fighting stance. Vector not wanting to fight the two most popular boys in School just huffs and storm off to his desk. Hey are you okay. I just nod and go back to staring at my desk. Hey kid what's your name? I grab a paper and write Sonic Goldman and slide it over to them. So sonic can't you talk. I nod but then grab the papper and write I am forbidden to talk to anyone so if you want to talk meet me at Green hill park at three pm today I hand it back to shadow. Okay but why are you forbidden from talking to  others. I sigh irritated but wrote later three pm green hill don't be late I can't talk here the teachers report to my dad when I am communicating with any one so please no more talking right now. Okay. The teacher gets up and starts heading my way so I quickly grab the papper and wad it up and he steps over to me and say today I am making sure you  are participating in the lesson sonic you will work with  shadow on a new class project and I am Sorry but I must ask that you go directly to the nurse and counselors office. Shadow you escort him. Okay Mr hedgehog I will. I get up and I immediately fall flat on my ass. Every one points and laughs. I look at shadow and see to my suprise that he and his brother didn't even smile. I try to get up again only to collapse again so the teacher grabs one arm wile shadow takes the other and lifts  me to my feet. I look down and see that my leg is badly bleeding and I feel the area and I noticed that the leg is broke. I open my mouth and I whisper God damn it it's broken. I didn't realize that shadow heard me until he sweeps me into his arms and says I got you I'll get that broken leg looked at before you can even blink. Okay I say. We just barely get out of the classroom when I hear oy you what the hell are you doing I looked over shadows shoulder to see my father and uncle standing in the hall. I roll out of shadows arms and land hard on the floor and say I'm sorry sir I didn't- wham I get a huge blow to the side of the head. Wham I get another to the stomach.  Wham the back.  I look around and see that shadow was running toward the teachers lounge. Then my dad grabs his belt and starts using it to whip  me from head to toe. I hear running footsteps I look up and see that it's the entire school faculty. They all surround my dad and uncle pulling them off of me.  I notice that shadow is on his phone so I start listening to what he is saying. This is GUN agent shadow I need immediate  back up at mobus high school  and be advised suspects are armed and dangerous. We have one badly wounded student Sonic Goldman. The next thing I knew I see at least forty armed police officers come swarming in to the school. They arrest my dad and uncle and escort them out of the building then two officers pick me up and carry me into the office and they ask me to explain  what happened I can't get the words out so I just look at shadow and say papper and pen.  Okay. He gets me a pen and pad I write down everything that has been going on for the last 17 years. I then hand the lead officer the pad and say here. He quickly reads through it then hands it to his partner and says call CPS and get them down here now we need to do a through exam.  Okay sir. I start to panic until he says I need you to go with special  agent shadow to get checked out at the nurses office. I notice out of the corner of my eye that he grabs his baton from his belt. I instinctively flinch and cover my face.  It's okay sonic I won't hurt you he says. I sigh of relief and get ready to head for the nurse. Shadow grabs me and we go out to the nurses office.   He is unable to knock so I ablige  and knock. The nurse comes over and see all the blood on my clothes and face. What happened here. He was attacked by his dad and uncle. Okay put him on the bed and get him undressed I need to see where all that blood is coming from. Okay miss. I squirm as he starts helping me undress as I am embarrassed by this and by all the cuts in the form words worthless  useless and pathetic runt. But I grudgingly undress. I then see that the nurse is absolutely in shock to see all the cuts and bruises and how anorexic I truly am. She grabs a clipboard and starts going over every inch of my body and marking every wound on the clipboard I am not done showing her the wounds  however so after she marks all the injuries on the front of my body I carfuly roll over and she gasps as she see the huge cuts up and down my back and on my ass I am literally in complete embarrassment now that I'm stripped bare ass naked in front of not only the nurse but also a CPS and shadow. I then hear a voice at my ear saying it's okay sonic I won't tell any one else what you look like. I look to see who said it and see that it's shadow I then turn bright red and say I don't care if you do but I still can't believe I had to be stripped down at school. Well we have to document the wounds  for the trial against your father and uncle. I then sit up and say can I get dressed now please. Yes sir but I don't want you to till we  get you a shower and clean clothes. Okay sir but I don't feel comfortable going naked here. 

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