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Basic Description

VIctor is the main protagonist of Higher Than the Sky and is a child of The Underground through and through. When we first meet Victor, he is unliked by his peers and is used by The Wrecks as an errand boy. He has a knack for learning and tinkering but is only valued by the Wrecks for his fighting skill.

Basic Details

Full name: Victory

Age: About 17

Height: 5'11"(170cm)

Weight: 136lb(61.69kg)

Hair color: Dark Mahogany

Eye Color: Black

Birthplace is unknown

Lives in the makeshift city of The Underground

Only child

Relationship Skills: None

Physical Appearance 

No Glasses

Cloths are baggy two sizes too big

Hair is longer, kept in a ponytail and never combed

Slight Slouch

Most Common Facial Expression: Anger

Scars: located on the lower lip right side, left eyebrow, down his right shoulder, multiple across both hands as well above the right heel. 

Currently in good health for an Underground resident


Can be rude most of the time but often uncaring.

Speech is filled with The Undergrounds slang

Confident in his fighting and tinkering abilities

Worst Traits: Immature and arrogant

Best Traits: Decisive and caring

Major Goal in Life: Live free and away from the Underground

Embarrassed by outer praise and physical affection

Education and Training

Like all children of the Underground Victor was taught basic math and literacy by Granny Nobody although he has received further education from Tinker.


Jessie- The only person Victor calls a friend. She and Victor are the only two apprentices of Tinker in the underground. They've shared many memories throughout their lives and are on par with each other intellectually. Victor Trust Jessie but doesn't appreciate her sense of humor or friendliness. 

Tinker- Victor's mentor. Victor views him as the only good man in the Underground and strives to please him with his mind rather than the brawn he is known for.

Granny Nobody- Victor does not have a close relationship with Granny Nobody but will not disrespect her or her rules.

Broken Wreck- Victor does not trust Broken. He dislikes the Big Brother attitude Broken has adopted towards him. Victor often is at his most aggressive when interacting with Broken.

The Nameless- Victor does not take advantage of the Nameless and often will come to their defense when they're being abused in front of him but does not actively go out of his way to make life better for them.

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