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Basic Description

Jesse is a female resident of The Underground and Victor's only "friend". They've known each other for quite a while and have found their skills to complement one another but it's still more like a work friend relationship between the two of them. She's handy with the tools and has a mind for problem-solving. Like many in the Underground, she doesn't remember her parents but was luckier than most when she found a mentor in an ex-airship pilot who has inspired the current project you find her and Victor working on at the start of the series. Although Jesse does leave the story rather quickly this doesn't reduce what influence she'll have over some major story beats

Basic Details

Full name: 

Age: About 16

Height: 5'5"(170cm)

Weight: 98lb(61.69kg)

Hair color: Dark Grey

Eye Color: Black

Birthplace is unknown

Lives in the makeshift city of The Underground

Only child

Relationship Skills: Flirtatious and questioning

Physical Appearance

No Glasses

Cloths are baggy two sizes too big

Hair is mid-length but has also haphazardly cut it herself.

Stands confident

Most Common Facial Expression: Smile

Scars: Can be seen around the back of her shoulders and at her fingertips.

Currently in good health for an Underground resident


She can be caring but it is generally to service her image.

Speech is filled with The Undergrounds slang

Confident in her problem-solving abilities

Worst Traits: Self-serving disposition

Best Traits: Humor and Listening Skills

Major Goal in Life: Live free and away from the Underground

Education and Training

Like all children of the Underground Jesse was taught basic math and literacy by Granny Nobody although she has been mentored by an ex-airship pilot.


Victor- Jesse is the only person Victor calls a friend. She and Victor are the only two apprentices of Tinker in the underground. They've shared many memories throughout their lives and are on par with each other intellectually. Jesse can feel out Victor's emotions that allows her to navigate his sour attitude.

Tinker- Like Victor Jesse has found a mentor in Tinker but additionally has been raised as a surrogate daughter to him.

Granny Nobody- Jesse has a decently close relationship with Granny Nobody and would stress the limit of her rules.

Broken Wreck- To most of the Wrecks Jesse is viewed as another plaything but is dismissed by Broken Wreck due to her closeness with Victor.

The Nameless- Jesse can be found taking advantage of some of the less hopeful Nameless often acting as a Big Sister.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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