Hide and seek

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Peppa bangs on the door, screeching BAKA and OINK. Peppa giggles and grabs her chainsaw. "Come to peppa, Hansen senpai!" Peppa exclaims. Peppa heard a faint shriek come from the house. "PEPPA STOP!" Jared screamed. Peppa stops for a second and thinks. One hour later, she said "no u" and continues. The entire time, Evan was squealing like a little puppy. After a while peppa decides to yeet daddy pig at the door. Peppa pig dabs on the way in, and Evan's nonstop squealing intensifies. Peppa looks around the room, and finally finds what she wants. "Hehe" peppa says. "It's about time."

Peppevan (peppa x Evan Hansen) Where stories live. Discover now