The Departure - Call to Adventure

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Darren ( Dar-ren ) woke from his usual nightmare. The nightmare that haunted him every day and night from the day he was born. Darren got up from his bed and looked around his dorm room, his eyes wandered to his clock. Once his eyes adjusted to the light of his clock, he looked at the numbers. 3:41 am, the time he always woke up from these nightmares. Darren decided he would have to get ready early to meet with his friend... Well, classmate, Alex, at 5 to work on their art project that they had been working on this past week. Darren doesn't have friends, and when he did they would usually stray away from him due to his panic attacks. But not Alex, for some reason he understood Darren. He got up and got ready to go. Darren swiped his brown hair out of his green-brown eyes at looked at himself in the mirror. Darren's wardrobe consisted of mostly green, since it was his favorite color. Today he was wearing a light green button-up short-sleeve with black jeans that were ripped at the knee. He got these jeans since Junior year of highschool, still being 5'6 he fit into them snuggly.

After he got ready Darren gathered his art supplies and the canvas Alex and he had been working on for the past week. He walked down the steps and out the door of the dormitory and checked his back pocket for his keys. Patting his back pocket he felt the bulky fabric that held his keys. He walked down the corridor and to the parking lot to his right, the same way he went to the art room. But this time like every other day this week he walked to his car. Grabbing the keys from his back pocket, finding his car key, he inserted the key into the carlock. Through the door lock on the inside of his car, he unlocked the back. He put his stuff in the back and got into the driver's seat, inserted the key, and drove to the park. Darren and Alex had been meeting there for the past week.

After they meet and worked on their project they said their goodbyes. Alex took the canvas, since it was his turn to take it to his apartment. Darren walked to his car but as he got there be saw 2 people standing behind his car a female and a male, they looked like siblings and looked around his age. The male looked about 2 years older than Darren. The female was about 5'1 with long, thick, black hair and electric blue tips put into low hanging ponytails. The male, however, was around 5'8 with black hair that had streaks of blond at the ends that was pulled into a man-bun. Confusion filled his expression as he thought of why they'd be standing there. Darren came to the conclusion that they must have mistaken his car for theirs. At that moment they looked up at him, the smaller female smiled at the sight of him, while the other just stared at him with a small smile.

"Darren!" The female exclaimed.

"Sorry, I don't remember you guys at all... Have we met?" Darren asked confused.

"Huh, wait. I thought you said he remembered his past life Leilen!" ( lie-len ) The female said turning to face the taller male.

As Darren heard past life his head started to hurt, Flashbacks of his nightmare that he had every day of his life came back to him as collapsed onto his knees.

"I guess the curse didn't affect him as much as we-" Leilen said looking down to where Derren is. Derren pulled his hair as he starts to relive his nightmare.

"Derren, You good?" The female said surprised, she rushed over to him but was pulled back from the wrist by Leilen.

"You don't just run over to a guy who is having a panic attack Lun!" Leilen scolded.

After a while, Darren calmed down. Taking deep breaths he looked at Lun and Leilen.

"How do I know you guys?" He said looking at them confused.

"If didn't freak out like that we-" Lun said before Leilen cover her mouth.

"We don't have time to explain right now, Just come with us." Leilen said letting out a hand.

Darren looked at his hand. "I don't even know you guys... Why should I come with you?" He said still looking at Leilen's hand.

"We'll stop your nightmares." Leilen said.

"Wh-... I- I need to go.." Darren said getting up and pushing past them to get his car.

"Darren- wait..!" Lun said trying to run after him, but yet again Leilen pulled her back.

"Let him go," Leilen said as he looked up at Darren who was getting in his car.

"Darren, You'll know where to find us," Leilen said with the tiniest smirk on his face. Darren looked up for a moment at Leilen locking eye contact before getting in and driving off.

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