The Departure - Refusal

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Once Darren got to his Dorm he sat onto his bed looking around he saw that someone had been here and had placed there stuff on the empty bed that was across the room.

"New roommate?" Darren questioned.

"Eh, they'll probably ask to move rooms" he continued.

Derren decided that he'd just forget what happened and move on with his life. After a few minutes he heard the door open and looked up.

A boy who looked younger than himself walked in. He was wearing a baggy dark green sweater with dark blue washed out jeans. It clearly looked like he didn't brush his hair because his yellow tinted blond hair was very messy. He looked up at Derren with his bright blue eyes and was taken aback.

"O- Oh crap, I didn't realize that someone was here, uhh I'm Oliver your uh new d-dorm mate" Oliver said, anxiety in his voice.

Oliver reached a shaky hand to Darren.

"It's fine, I'm Darren" Darren said, a slight smile on his face.

For some reason he felt like Oliver was not like his other dormmates who had switched rooms(he had 3 move out in total).

Darren watched as Oliver left the room and walked down the stairs. After Oliver was no longer in sight he laid back on his bed. He couldn't help but think about the incident that happened in the parking lot. He thought about it for a while before his thoughts were interrupted by the door opening again. Darren got up, his eyes locked on a small Corgi by Olivers feet.

"You have a service dog?" Darren asked, even though he could see the patch on the Corgi's vest that clearly reads "SERVICE DOG".

"Uh yeah, y- your not allergic, are you?" Oliver responded, asking a question of his own.

"Oh, no. I've grown up around dogs. Its fine." Darren said reassuringly.

Oliver went over to his stuff and started unpacking as his Corgi lay in their dog bed. Oliver suddenly stopped and turned to Darren.

"H- his name is Hiro by the way." He said pointing to the dog.

Darren smiled in return before receiving a text message. Darrent took his phone out of his pocket and powered it on. He looked at the screen and saw that it was a message from Alex.

"Why would Alex be texting me?" he thought to himself and opened his phone.


Hey, You didn't happen to run into Lun and Leilen by any chance?

Yeah, You know them?

In a way... anyways, you should go with them.



Just trust me


Darren put his phone down. Staring at nothing for a while. Thoughts filled his head as he thought about Alex's messages. Should I go with them? Was the main one. Darren concluded that he should go with them, he trusted Alex to be truthful. Alex never seemed to be the guy to put others in harm.

Darren fell asleep, He always tried to stay up because he knew, no matter what, that wretched nightmare would linger. But this night he felt different. He felt like he could just fall asleep and thats what he did. It took a few minutes before he started dreaming, but instead of being greeted my chanting, torches, and fire. He saw blank. Nothing, Until he saw Leilen.

"Derren, Hi. I'm just going to say that this is completely real. Yes, we are, well I am communicating to you through your dreams. Meet us at the fair right side of the park tomorrow. I'll explain everything tomorrow. We'll be waiting."

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