Chapter 8: Diner part 1

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Mhhmmm, 9 views ok....

*4 hours later*

Meggy: ugh, are we there yet, it's been forever

Mario: don't worry Meggy, we're almost there

Corbin: you kidding me?, the city is just half mile away, we'll never make it, thanks to YOU!, I carry you here for 4 fucking hours Mario!

Mario: Calm corbin, I'm sure you will be fine, your a soldier, soldier can carry heavy equipments

Corbin: I only carry 60 pounds you masshole, compare to you!, what is it?, 200 pounds or something?, like I'm carrying two times of Tank rounds

Mario: Shut up, Mario weight's is lighter than a truck

Corbin: Mario, your unbelievable!!

Spectre: Guys, I'm hungry, let's go find something to eat

Meggy: Hmmm

*Meggy see something*

Meggy: guys look a diner!!

Corbin: ugh finally, I can rest my burning fee-

*Mario tackle Corbin*


Meggy: are you okay Corbin?

*Meggy looks at Corbin laying on the ground*

Corbin: uggghhhh

Spectre: Uh you know what?, lets carry him

Meggy: ok spectre, you carry his left harm, I'll carry his right arm

Spectre: gotcha

*Both carrying him*

Meggy: Oh jeez, he's heavier than Mario

Spectre: I know... I can feel his body...

*Both made it inside the diner*

Mario: guys, what took you so long, I made some reservation over here

*They both sit down*

Mario: ugh, Corbin sleeping again? this is the second time >:(

*Mario grab Corbin's Hoodie*

Mario: Hey stinky..... WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!

*Corbin snoring peacefully*

Mario: Hmm... I know :)

*Mario hit Corbin with a frying pan*

Corbin: Owww!!!, ugh...where am I?

Old Maid: your in the diner sweetie, so what can I get ya?

Mario: do you have some sphagetti?

Old maid: sorry, we don't sell spaghetti here in this diner

Mario: Oh no :(

Corbin: just give him a pancake, I'll have a Coffee and a wheat bread please

*Old maid writing*

Old maid: how about you sweetie, what do you want to order?

Meggy: I'll have same as Mario pls

Old maid: how about you sweetie, what do you want?

Spectre: I want orange juice and apple pie pls

*Old maid writing*

Old Maid: alright, your food will be there in no time

War of 2020: The SMG4 story (discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ