i am who i am!

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It seems like everyone I know hates me for the choices I have made. I can't help it. I tried to. But I can't. I hate myself for what I done. I can't be here anymore, if I am here, I will explode of sadness and grief. I can't take it anymore, I want to run, run away, but I can't. I can't run away from this anymore, I have tried to, but I can't, Not anymore at least.

I have lost everyone, I've lost my friends, over what?! Being myself? Trying to be myself? Well, shouldn't I be myself for once? Shouldn't I be myself for everyone to see. To see the man, I have become. No? Okay, fine, I won't. I can be the shy girl if you want, if that will make it easier to you. I Can lie to myself for 20 more years if that will make it easier for you.

Im sorry that I am this way. Im sorry that I have chosen this path to walk. To be myself but to lose my friends. Im sorry.

I should just go home, home where I can feel like me, where I can feel safe where I can be me. But I can't go home. I can't be home. Because home is where the close to me lives, the ones who I have hurted the most about being me.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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