Chapter 1

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AN: So for now, there won't be titles for the different parts other than chapter numbers. Once I get a few chapters out, I might add some. I'm going to try and update this as often as I can but make sure to give some feedback and I might update this more often. I'm not going to set a goal becuase I know I won't follow it lol. Welp, here goes nothing.

Chapter 1

Graces POV:

I'm Grace Helbig. I'm a YouTuber, but I've also written a book (gracesguidebookdotcom), acted in a movie and I host my own podcast. My two best friends, Mamrie and Hannah are also YouTubers, authors and we all acted in Camp Takota. I'm friends with a bunch of YouTubers which kinda comes with the job. In fact, I'm going to a YouTube party tonight with some of my friends like Chester See, Sawyer Hartman, Colleen Ballinger, Joey Graceffa, Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi, Tyler Oakley and of course Hannah Hart and Mamrie Hart. There's more but I won't name them all. Too much work. Anyways Hannah, Mamrie and I are riding together and the party starts at seven. It's about 4:30 and they'll be here in like two hours. I guess I should pry myself away from my computer and get a shower.

5:00. Okay, now I'll get a shower. I closed my laptop and went to the bathroom to start getting ready. First a shower, then all the make up and hair so I can at least look halfway decent, now time for the outfit. I scour my closet hoping to find something and I decide on a dress. It was a black sexy dress that I only wear on certain occasions, but I don't know. I felt like wearing it tonight I guess. Kay well that only took an hour so for the first time in forever (god I love Frozen)  I'm ready early. Well, guess that means more internet time.

6:30ish. I sit at my desk on my computer when Hannah and Mamrie ring the doorbell and I invite them in.They both looked stunning as usual, Mamrie in a dress and Hannah in a suit. "It's 6:35 so we should probably head out", said Hannah. "Who's driving?" asked Mamrie. "Who's the oldest" I answered. Hannah laughed and Mamrie gave us a "well fuck you guys".

AN: Be sure to comment and favorite if you enjoyed! I know there's not much action now, but expect more within the next few chapters! Tell me what you think!

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