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Story: Numinous

Author: leshworld

Where to begin? I mean wow this story is so good. Are you sure it's your first story? It's definitely better than anything I've written 😂. 

The plot itself was really good and constantly had me on edge. It was filled with so many plot twists, all of them were shocking and surprising and I definitely felt how the other readers that commented felt. And the story is so detailed I could visualize it and some of the details, especially when you described how Aiden would look at Kiara or how his eyes looked gave me chills (in a good way). Details are so important for a story and you went above and beyond it. I still don't believe this is your first story because it is so good. Usually for a writer it takes them a story or two to get the swing of their style of writing and to improve and make their stories better (I'm no exception and I'm still trying to improve)  but yours is so good and if that's your first, I can't wait to see what you write in the future.

The character development was amazing. I went from feeling iffy about some of the characters and not liking them to loving them. You did a good job because in most stories, you can just predict 'oh this person is going to die' or 'this person and that person are going to get together' but in this story, you definitely have to expect the unexpected and even then, it leaves you shocked. The characters grew as well which is great for a story because each character should be motivated by something and your story definitely accomplished that and each character had their back story and their moment of growth.

If you want a story that not only leaves you on the edge of your seat but has unexpected plot twists that will have you shocked and has a little romance tied into it, I definitely recommend this book. 

@leshworld, keep up the great work!

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