Thank You!

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Hello there! Thank you so much for reading my story! The fact that you made it until the end really means a lot to me. I hope you enjoyed it, and if so, please tell me! I cannot express how much I love hearing back from you guys. While I do enjoy writing, I do these actual stories for the readers. I would never write all these chapters on my own, probably just a couple 'excerpts' (as I like to call them) involving the really cute scenes. 

But please, message me, comment, or even go back and vote on your favourite chapters! Catch a mistake? Comment about it! Have some constructive criticism? Tell me about it! Loved the chapter or something I did? Vote on it! Enjoyed my writing in general? Follow me! You get the gist. ;D

Anyways, thanks again for making it through the story. I swear, I always pick the strangest and worst times to write these fics but hey, whatever works out in the end, amirite? If you want to, head on over to my page and check out the other fics I've written! Maybe something else there will resonate with you. Have a wonderful day and I hope to see you pop up in my feed as a new follower.

-Your author, SomeFormOfWriting
I know i continue to talk about this, but I would like to write a sequel in the future. Unfortunately, online school has been kicking my ass. I've had no time to do anything but school work and my mental health has been slowly declining. Thank you all for reading this story and I promise that when things get a little better, there will be a sequel. Unfortunately I cannot predict the future and am unable to tell you when that will be. Thank you for loving this story and thank you for your continued support. <3

If you would care to read it, there is a little... essay type thingy in the next chapter. It's just me talking about the 1992 version and stuff so like, you don't have to read it but I just really wanted to talk about Newsies so like, yeet. 

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