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What is love?

I bet you all have asked yourself that question. Say whats the first thing that comes to your mind with just the word itself? Is it pain because of a deep heartbreak? Is it happiness because it's an amazing feeling? Or is it emptiness because you stopped believing in it?

Many give up mid-way on love saying how useless it is. But is it really? Or is that just tossed around because they've never felt it, seen it with family members/friends, or actually experienced it in ways they wished they hadn't. Everyone has a different perspective towards love. Many negative and many positive, others just don't care.

But that's the thing. Can it be called love when there isn't heartbreak? Fights? Pain? Everyone who falls in love should know what could happen. They aren't prepared for the pain they will feel, but they should be aware that in every relationship there will be crying involved. Even when it might not have been serious to you or them you feel some remorse. You look at that person you spent a week with just for it to end.

You awaited for that moment to arrive. But at times you check your phone waiting for them to message you like they did when you were dating. You look their way to see if they're better without you and sometimes hope to have a second chance. No matter how hard you deny it there is a part of you deep deep down that would wonder what if. And there's another part of you that admits it so easily.

You joke around and say you don't care to mask the empty feeling inside. You look around just to see all these happy couples around you knowing that they have issues like any other. You hope you could have a relationship like that but shake your head to avoid the pain.

You can't escape pain, and that's the truth.

Whether it's in a relationship, in a family, or with friends. Even with pets there will always be pain involved. Without it, what would any of us be learning?

Love shows you different worlds. It shows you ones true colors. It can either show you the fantasy you always dreamed of. One with excitement and pleasure. Or it can show you the cruel reality, full of regrets and sorrows. Like mentioned before you can't escape pain, it'll be apart of all of us that we will have to accept some more than others.

You've heard the saying love is a word not a feeling right? What are your thoughts about that quote? Do you feel like it's true or false?

I say it's an emotion, and I've been hurt badly before, just like I'm sure many of you have.

Love is an emotion. And that's a fact. You feel love towards your parents and friends right? Towards your pets or passions? And when your doing what you like, when you feel like it's your purpose what do you feel? Love isn't that right? Most of you will say well that's different. How exactly is that different? And don't say, love is the type of love when it comes to your partner. Although it's true you still feel it to family and etc.

Those who say that love is a word and not an emotion are the ones who have been broken the most. They've lost all sorts of hope. They think that they can't be loved. But that's a bunch of bullshit. How can you know who is the real one when you can't handle the pain that will come with a relationship?

It's quite funny. When people fall in love they fall deep. They become blinded from the world and focus on their significant other. They can't see the damage that they're causing to them. They can't see if they're in some type of abusive relationship.

And sadly some are only being used for a bet, reputation, or their body. And why? Because that's what society has come to and there is no denying that.

Every story has its own way of blossoming, every story has a reason, every story has at least that one person who remains quiet. But in every story everyone feels pain, in some way.

Im sure by now most of you have watched those Disney movies. You've watched at least Cinderella or Snow White. And you see that in all of those they end up in happy endings, but why does that never work out in the real world? Is it because it's just fiction? Why lie to millions of kids who have the illusion of becoming a princesses or prince. Think that the can live in a fantasy, and have a happy ending like that easily?

Is there a meaning behind those kid shows? Do they secretly tell you the obstacles one will face?

Most expect wedding bells, birds chirping, and your parents watching how their little girl or little boy is all grown up. How much they're proud of you for what you've accomplished. For finding the right guy or girl.

Many wish the couples to be happy.

A lot only watch the happy ones.

But who watches the sad ones?

Aren't you tired of hearing the saying "you don't know what you have until it's gone" when everyone knows exactly what they had but decided to take it for granted? That no matter how many times you hurt each other with words, hitting, or neglecting the feelings of love will still linger in the air?

Aren't you pissed at people who stay with those who are hurting them?

Well guess what buckle up for we are going into a bumpy ride. To where you may ask?

We're going into a story of a young boy who fell in love with a guy that didn't feel the same.

I guess this story should be called one-sided love instead huh.

This is the story of a boy who dreamed big when it came to love. He was a hopeless romantic that had dumb hopes of having a beautiful and perfect love story.

But I guess that's where he went wrong right? Nothing in this world is perfect. But for Kim Taehyung it seemed that way.

Welcome to the story of a broken boy with a shattered heart. Enjoy !

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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