Date Night

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Lilimar's POV:
The rain was still pouring hard when i got home after school that day. I was still in deep thought about tonight's date.

Also a little nauxious by what happened today after lunch.

*Flash back
I was hurrying towards my locker, since i needed my text book for history. Mia already took hers so she went to class before me.

As i arrived to my locker I saw a familiar figure standing right next to my locker. The pink girl that sat next to me in geo.

"Hey lilimar!" She started in this very wannabe nice voice.

"Umm hi! your name?"

"Listen up kiddo,this is quiet a crisis..the guys from the football club has been talking about you for awhile now..but who cares?
I just want to let you know that you cant even think about stealing my spotlight! You wo'nt do it if you you know what's good for you..toodles"

She walked away in this very sashay way towards her next class stopped and said "i am sasha btw"

*Flash back ended

What was her problem? I mean what the heck did i do to make her that mad? I didnt even talk to the football guys!

I havent even told mia about this yet! I have to call her.

I took my phone out from my jeans pocket and dialled her.

Neh i should call her after i do my assignment or else i am going to get distratced and end up not finishing it.

I sat at my study table and finished my assignment in 2 hours.

I checked the time before dialling to mia. It was 5 in the evening.

Mia picked up her pgone instantly.


Me:umm i got something to tell you. Uh listen do you remembet we have a date tonight? So why dont you come over to my house to help me pick something to wear?
And while we are on it i will fill you up on what happened today? Is that cool? i am getting ready for tonights date at your house?


Mia:i will be there in 15 mins or so. Bye


20 mins later

I heard a knocking on my room door, i opened it to see mia holding 2 bags.

I gestured her to come in.

" really dont know what to wear? Do you" She said looking at the state of my room.

Piles of cloth were on my bed, hangers and shoes were lying almost every where on the floor. And my closet was almost empty.

I nodded in agreement with a sigh.

"So anyways what did you have to tell me?" Mia placed her two bags on the dressing table and sat on my bed.

I sighed and began to tell her the incident.

"So she threatened you? This is quiet big lili!!" Mia had her serious tone on.

"Yeah i know..but there's nothing we can do at the moment" i sighed.

"You can tell your mom?" Mia insisted.

"No,no,lets just leave it and do something about it if it happens again?"

"Fine! But dont say i didnt warn you!" Mia said throwing one of my shirts at me.

"Shut up and lets just start finding something for me to wear! Its almost six !! Speaking of which, what did you bring to...."

Our talk was interupted by my phone ringing.

It was an unknown number.

"Do you know who this is?" I said showing mia my phone.

" better pick it up before it ends" mia said shrugging.

Me: hello, who is this?
The caller:hey is this lilimar?
Me:umm..yeah..who is this again?
The caller: its reed.
Me: oh did you uh get my phone number?
Reed: i have my ways *laughs
Me:ok..why did you call me?
Reed: oh,come on! Cant a guy just call a girl to talk?
Me: i didnt mean it that way..
Reed: jk, anyways i just called you to let you know that i will be coming over to your house tonight to pick you i will need your adress.
Me:oh, um yeah..i will text you the adress..ok?
Reed:yeah ok..see you tonight.

"MIA,THAT WAS REED!!!!! HOW DID HE GET MY NUMBER? DID YOU GIVE IT TO HIM?" I started talking superfast.

"Ok girl calm down first! And no i didnt give it to him..maybe brandon did" mia answered.

"Yeah thats a good way of looking at it! Anyways what was i gonna ask you..oh yeah..what did you bring to waer tonight?"

"Oh yeah i forgot to show it is" she said showing her plain white T that went with a black ripped jacket and shorts.

" you will look adorable in that!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks now lets pick yours!" Mia insisted. "Wait after i send reed a text.

Me:19th street,block 28,269.
Reed: thanks ..cant wait to see you
Me: me too..bye
Reed: bye :)

7:30 that night*
Me and mia came down stairs. I finally found an out fit.

A black sleeveless tank top that went down to my torso with a nude color pants that went up to my torso and was knotted in the middle. I wore brown ankle boots with it.

Mia and i decided to let our hair loose tonight.

Just as we where going to get out mia got a call.

"Its mom,wait i promise it wont be long".

When she ended the call ,she looked pretty worried.

"Listen lili, i am really sorry,but mim just told me that mom's going to work tonight! And she needs me to babysit monica and marcel. She said the hospital just called and said that the nurse that was on duty tonight just called the nightshift off sick. She needs to go i have to go home rn!! I am really sorry"

"Owh, thats sad! I am gonna miss you but i understand..thanks for helping me pick up an outfit" i exclaimed.

"Thanks for understanding...good night bye.."

"Goodnight..say hi to your sis and bro from me".

"I will" mia gave me a hug and ran out the door.

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