Chapter Three

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"You think we can use these spoons?" Len asked.

"It's all we got," Zenon replied. "If you want to use a spoon, you can... but your fists'd probably be more effective." I couldn't help laughing at Len. She picked up two spoons like they were knives and thrust one of them at an invisible target in front of her. If we actually did manage to get out using only spoons, I didn't think the guards would be keeping their jobs for very much longer.

I heard a cell door slide open. Adelyn and Terri's door. Lunch was coming. The guard slid their food through the slit and went back for more. Five plates and one pot... the guard was coming, and we were going.

I saw him approach the door. He gripped the door, typed in a passcode and pushed it open just a little.

Zenon charged forward. He threw his arms in the space between the door and the wall, turning Zenon into a doorstop. The guard shrieked and dropped all of the plates to the floor, allowing a free hand to pull a gun out of his pocket.

"What do you think you're doing?" the guard hissed. As the guard pointed his gun at Zenon, the rest of us ran forward and pulled the door open the rest of the way. Len raced toward the man and threw the spoons unsuccessfully, but ended up with her fist connected with the side of his face. Len's aim wasn't great, but she certainly threw a wicked punch.

"My god-" The guard fired blindy into the air and hit no one. By now, the other three guards had gathered around, each with their guns drawn.

Zenon got up and lunged a fist into one of the guard's stomachs. He doubled over and his gun dropped to the ground. Zenon dove down to grab it, then fired at the guard, hitting him in the shoulder and knocking him unconscious. Just as he was about to shoot the next guard, he was knocked to the ground, sending the gun skittering.

I picked the gun up, but I didn't have it in my possession for long. A guard's arm knocked me off my feet, sending me flying into the wall. With a crack, my head smacked off of the concrete and bent forward. An unnatural jolt was sent down my spine and a feeling like sandpaper gritted the nape of my neck. I felt something hard back there, and it wasn't bone. As flickering lights danced across my vision, I reached a hand back to my neck. I felt a hard lump. Not natural.

I fought for consciousness. Dark shapes walked this way and that, then voices.


Someone touched my sides and I was lifted away from the ground. The smash of a cell door. But I wasn't in the cell... I kept on going.



"" I kept going reluctantly with these people. My body hung limply over their arms as they went down the hallway. I heard a door open. More walking. Another door. Then soft on my body. And a prick in my arm. Pain. All at once, my consciousness came back. Three faces stared down at me. Two guards and a doctor.

"What's wrong with her?" the doctor asked.

"Her neck-"

"Oh, crap." The doctor rolled me over onto my stomach, unwrapping the bandages on my neck.

"Can you replace it?" one of the guards asked.

"I'm sure we can, but I don't have any with me. I'll have to get President Leanne..."

"What's going on?" I said, my voice muffled by the white sheets of the bed. I tightened my muscles to try and move, only resulting in a spike of pain in my neck, but an unnatural spike of pain. Shock, almost. Unnatural. Manmade.

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