Chapter Twelve (Part Two)

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WE WERE ABOUT TO leave the bodies of our friends behind. I was so disappointed that our numbers'd been decreased to a crippled seven, and even more disappointed that some of us had been killed. Now, it was me, Zenon, Shane, Erin, Orion, Lissandra and Adelyn. Well, eight, counting Len. We'd found Len, thankfully.

"Who are these people?" she asked in a whisper, leaning over to Zenon.

"Harmless," he replied. She was eyeing Orion especially, who was one of the only ones with a gun. He was occupied, however, staring at the ground and choking back tears as he touched his sister's shoulder. His sister had been killed. Skai. Even I was upset, but I tried not to show it. I had a crying Adelyn wrapped up in my arms and I was trying to act strong.

"What's wrong with that one?" she asked, indicating Orion.

"His sister was killed," I replied.


"You didn't know her."

"Oh." Len pulled her knees against her chest and stared at Zenon. "Are we gonna be safe?" The tone in her voice was the most uncertain I'd ever heard it. Usually she was forceful and compelling. Now she was... she was... broken, almost. Tears pushed past her eyes and down her face, but I couldn't understand why, because no one she loved had died.

Zenon reached over a hand around her back to comfort her and I felt a pang of jealousy. She's upset, I reminded myself. They're friends.

"So," I said, eager to avert my mind. "Uh... What's next?"

Zenon shook his head. "There's nothing we can really do to decide what's next. We'll just have to see where the tide takes us."

"Yeah. Wait a second, what's that?" I tipped my head toward the echoey grinding sound I heard. Quiet, but noticeable. It sounded familiar. I'd heard it before. But what was the noise? It started to get louder when Erin spoke up.

"Train," she said.

"It's still running?" Shane asked, standing up straighter. He stared down the dark tunnel where the noise was coming from. I heard it clearer now.

"I guess so," I said. "I wonder if we can take-"

"Help me!"

Oh, crap. Derin. I left him on the train tracks.

"I'll be right back, okay Addy?" I said. When she sniffled and nodded, I ran toward the ledge and reached a hand down. Or, would I save him? He'd be a burden, definitely. Derin was wounded, not to mention all the things he'd done to me after my parents died.

But my arm didn't move. Derin reached up as far as he could but gave up. He was too injured. Suddenly the tunnel was lit up by a glowing yellow light. The train was right there, and Derin was still down there....

"Leave him be, April," Zenon said.

Then I leapt down into the pit.

"You owe me big time," I said as I helped him up. "Someone help me!" Zenon was already there, reaching his hands down. "April," he said. "Just come up."

"No. Help my uncle first."

"Fine." He helped him over the edge just as the train emerged from the tunnel. I leapt up after, my hands shaking and heart pounding. Derin stared at me with a grateful look but didn't say anything, and Adelyn grabbed hold of my leg.

"I can't believe you just did that," said Zenon.

"Neither can I." I brushed my hands off on my pants, even though they were fairly clean. Perhaps it was just anxiety.

"What do we do with him?" He tipped his head to my Uncle Derin and crossed his arms.

"I don't know. I just couldn't let him die, now could I?"

"He's gonna die anyway. Look at the wound on his side." Zenon crouched down in front of my uncle. He'd heard my stories of my past, and probably knew that he didn't deserve to live anymore.

"Back off, boy," my uncle said.

"You think you should get the right to push me around? You're lucky we even decided to save you from that," Zenon snapped.

"Just... it's fine," I tried to say, but was interrupted.

"Don't talk to me like that, boy! I am much older than ye."

"Age doesn't matter in this world anymore. What matters is power," Zenon said, the angry glow in his eyes strengthening. "And from the looks of you-" he stared at the wound in Derin's side "-you don't have very much power anymore."

"You're an interestin' child," my uncle said with a smirk.

"Yeah?" Zenon clenched his fists.

"Of course. You're good in combat, I take it?"

"Yeah, I could easily crush you."

"Probably not. Ye'd be surprised...."

"Shut your mouth, old man."

Derin opened his mouth to speak, but broke out in a fit of coughs. His face contorted in pain each time he coughed. The wound in his side wasn't looking very good.

"Do you mind if we take a look at that?" I asked cautiously.

"He doesn't need our help," Zenon said.

"Yes I do," he pleaded. My uncle took his palm away from the gunshot wound and splayed his crimson stained hands in front of him. "I'm dying."

And he was right. His face was pale. The wound was gaping. Radiation-or nuclear poisoning-would make its way in there eventually and infect his body. Like Erin, he'd be close to death, if not currently.

"Just let him." Zenon walked closer to me and dropped his voice to a whisper. "He's no help to us."

"I can't just leave him here to die!"

"Why not?"

"He's my relative, Zenon."


"He's my last relative. As in, the rest of my family is dead." I laced my fingers together and stared at them.

"Okay, old man. You can stay," Zenon said, turning to Derin. He looked back with relief, but also fear. I had the same emotion, as well. Relieved that we weren't leaving my uncle behind.

And scared of the Zenon I didn't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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