my broken heart can shit all over your bad day

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Gerard cried heavily into his pillow, his sobs muffled. He heard knocking on his door but ignored it completely.

He was too preoccupied wanting to jump in a hole and take his sorry excuse of a life with him.

How could he mess up his friendship with Frank over something so stupid?

The first friend he has, and he manages to drive the fucker off. He truly was cursed.

"Gerard, let us in." Mikey called out through the locked door.

Gerard's lip quivered and he let out a chocked out cry, "N-No!"

"Come on, man." Pete pleaded, sounding desperate.

The sad red head shook his head, momentarily forgetting they couldn't actually see him.

"I don't wanna." He decided on whining out in a childish tone. Yes, that would get his message across.

The boys on the other side of the door sighed, and Gerard could hear faint whispering before Mikey spoke up.

"I'll make you pancakes." He bargained in a gentle tone.

"I'm not falling for that." Gerard grumbled, sticking his face back in his tear-stained pillow. Although, the longer he thought about it, the more he wanted pancakes.

"I'll buy you a new shirt!" Mikey begged again, knocking softly.

The red head sat there for a minute before grunting and getting up off of his bed. The same bed Frank had been sat at but a mere three hours ago.

He carefully unlocked his bedroom door, whimpering when he was immediately engulfed in a tight hug. Gerard let out a strangled noise as the two boys squeezed him in what they thought was a comforting manner.

"L-Let g-go!" The boy squeaked, sighing in delight when they finally let go.

"Gerbear, what happened?" Pete asked quietly as they sat him down on the bed.

"I-I don't know!" He cried quietly, weeping into his hands, "I don't know why I have to be such an i-idiot."

"You're not, Gerard." Mikey said with furrowed eyebrows, "Don't say that."

"It's tr-true!" Gerard wailed, "I messed up m-my friendship with Fr-Frank."

Pete and Mikey looked at each other before facing Gerard again.

"Take a deep breath, and explain what you're talking about." Mikey said, rubbing his brother's back soothingly.

Gerard nodded slowly and attempted to calm himself. Once he could finally speak, he looked at his hands.

"I... Bob punched me today, and Frank punched him back for me... I guess." The boy sighed.

"And? That's amazing! That's a very nice thing of him to do.." Pete exclaimed, excitedly.

"I'm not done." Gerard murmured, "When Bob was feeling okay again, he practically beat the shit out of Frank. And yeah, Frank bruised some of his ribs- but he still got hurt. And then I went to apologise for the whole thing basically being my fault, and he got angry." He whimpered.

"He essentially said I was an attention seeker and that I hoped he would beat people up for me, and then I said he wasn't my friend so he ran." Gerard hiccuped, starting to cry all over again.

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