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This story is dedicated to my fellow friends in Gay Hell on Crack ;w;

Here's a background on the characters and the story itself. I won't  explain a lot because cHaRacTeR dEveLopEmEnT so like yeeyee

These are also only going to be the main and known characters cuz don't want to ruin the story now do we? :3

Kris: Protective and understanding...most of the time. (Lol please dont kill me Kris)

Ash: basically the mom of the friend group, and likes to have fun

Alaina: Ash's best friend and loves to hang out, has insecurities but don't we all?

Konnie: not much is known about Konnie but he always brings a good vibe with him, always trying to lighten the mood

Ty/Angel: is only called Angel by Ash. Is very laid back and chill.

Es: Is called Kawaii by mostly everyone due to how she introduced herself. Is insecure but always stay positive.

Last but not least.

Jay: the main character. Doesn't get all the dirty jokes. Is one of the oldest. And knows how to get through situations.

*~the story plot~*

There is a virus that has been spreading. Know one knows how, and no one will take responsibility for it. Some people suspect the government and some suspect others. Either way there is no way to stop it yet. This virus is called Beniterism. It's named after the "first person" to have this virus. Beniterism isn't something that can be noticed right away. It could take days, weeks, or even months for it to take full effect. Once it does take full effect, the victim will attempt to murder a person they hold dear, and after this they also kill themselves. (Welp this got dark ⊙﹏⊙)
some symptoms include:

The victim could have a simple sickness such as a cold, or low fever. They could also have the flu, or even a high fever

Sometimes the victim may not necessarily get sick but will get extremely dizzy and faint.

They will start doubting others and distancing themselves.

•mood swings:
This could be from being confused on who is who, and if anyone is turning against them (paranoia)

Always watch out for people, for if they keep glaring at you they might just be planning your death.

•keep in mind these are just some symptoms the victim might have. There have been reports of some victims not having or at least showing any of these symptoms.

I hope you enjoy this story. It'll be filled with friendship...but also murder. Things that don't go well together UwU. Anyways I'll see you later in the first chapter that will come out soon
ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ⊂(•‿•⊂ )*.✧

And these characters are all based off people that are my friends, my amino friends UwU Kay bye

Oh and right now my Grammer is trash but the story will be better I swear. I'm just terrible at explaining things lol

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