Chapter one

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The fireplace was dimly lit as we all sat around it, huddled together all wrapped in blankets. Ashlynn was still up just staring into the fire like Kawaii used to before this all happened. Her brown eyes gleaming as the fire reflected off her eyes. Sadly Ash hadn't been acting normal. We suspect something is up but every time we bring it up she changes the subject. Her voice would always clearly state she wanted to talk about something else, but her eyes seemed to say otherwise. On the other hand Ty and Konnie are fast asleep. Kris is staying on guard incase something were to happen. Our home town is not the happy little town it used to be. In fact it's like a hell hole now. Murder at every corner and loved ones dying, always being on your toes. I seriously hate this but it's not like I can do anything. Alaina was staying up with Ash but she seems to have fallen asleep on her shoulder. Kawaii is on the couch because she's okay with the cold. I'm just sipping on my hot chocolate since I can't sleep. Plus, Kris looks tired and they might pass out with the rest of the group. See Jay? You're being a good friend by staying up on guard! Just as I say this to myself Kris comes and sits next to me. Their orange hair standing out with the yellow light coming from the fire. I never understood how Kris could always keep a smile during these times. I swear it's contagious. I let out a small laugh as the other teen asks, "so...what are we going to do tomorrow?"I'm a bit surprised, they're usually the one saying we should stick to routine and not wonder off too much. I have developed a tactic to not get killed by anyone here. I write down a list of suspicious things that people do, and once it passes ten I distance myself so I won't be considered a 'loved one' I take out my notebook and worriedly not down Kris' strange behavior. Yes I know. I'm being paranoid, but after what I've seen I don't find it weird to be. Kris breaks the silence by looking at me worriedly. "Sorry Jay didn't mean to worry you." They scratch their neck and you can hear the nails against their skin over the fire cracklings. It's weird but it's honestly better than silence.
"Well, we could try and get some supplies since we are running low" I say, but it almost sounds like a whisper. "Mkay that sounds good" the orange haired person said to me. They seem to turn around before I stop them by grabbing their arm. "Hey you should get some rest... I'll keep watch," I say almost forcefully. But instead of complying they softly pulled their arm away and said, "it's fine Jay, really" they flash me a smile and turn around again. I'm not letting them go that easily! I get on my knees and reach for their hand again. Barely grabbing their middle finger, and wobbling a bit, I still got Kris' hand again. "What do you want child?" They say clearly trying to suppress their annoyance. I jerk them down thump! They fall to the floor but it's not that loud, in fact it's barely louder than the fire. "What the hell Jay?!" They whisper shout at me. "Go to sleep now. I said I'll keep watch" I quickly stand up and jolt out the room, before they can stop me.

Being outside is something that Kris hates me doing, don't go outside, they say, it's dangerous out there and I don't want you getting hurt! Kris doesn't like me being curious, but they can't stop human nature. It's just- I'll stay here today. Why? Because Kris did say that we would go somewhere tomorrow. I hope it'll be fun! UwU. I hear the door that I came out of open. I assume it's Kris but it's actually Ty. "What a pleasant surprise to see you here," I say with a smile "yeah, I woke up when Kris fell on the floor" they laughed. I smile a bit. "Why did you decide to keep watch?" Ty asks. "Oh- me? I just wasn't tired. And Kris seemed out of it" I say, I'm not sure why I actually decided to go. Maybe because I've been told to stay inside a lot. So has Kawaii. It's like they don't want us getting hurt, but we are all gonna die one day anyways.
"Hm...I guess you're right, they seemed to quickly give up on stopping you, and that isn't like them at all." Ty says while sitting down on the bench I'm sitting on.
I nod in agreement
The moon is bright today. Sitting out here almost makes me forget that anything is happening at all.
"How's your girlfriend?"
I ask. I haven't been around her much due to me being over suspicious of people. At least I won't die... hopefully.
"Oh Ash? She's being a bit weird. I think it's from everything that's happening ya know?" They say looking at the stars then at me.
I nod back. Ty was always the person who would stay up with people until they went to sleep. Sometimes it wouldn't go to plan but at least they tried.
These days seemed to fly by, but at the same time they seemed to go slow.
"How's your boyfriend" Ty asks me. I feel my face warm up. We had just started dating, but it was great. "Kris is fine, I just don't want them to overwork themself" I really don't. They try to do everything and it isn't healthy.
"At least you know that they care
, but it is also caring of you to realize Kris is doing a bit too much"
Ty smiles. We are interrupted by a scream
It's not from inside the house, but it's out in the woods. To think people were so close to us, but they died before anything could happen.
"Another one bites the dust"
I whisper to myself
"More like another two."
Ty adds.
"At least we have each other"
Ty says with a smile.
I say
"We'll make it through this together! No one can stop us! Not even a gun could"
Ty says, trying to be motivating.
I can't help but think of the negatives. But, everything seems fine so I'm fine.
I pause
"We will"
Ty smiles, sits up, Pat's my shoulder and heads inside. By this time the sun is starting to rise.

Hhhhhhhhhh Istg freaking-
Pronouns. Like sisktnwkfnwkfnej
It's hard for me to work with them for some reason lololol
But yeeyee here ya go
If you see anything wrong
Tell me cuz I'm dumb
K bai

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