1: arguments and meeting each other

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Lapis pov

Ahh ahhh ahh ahh ahhh ahh ahh ahah ah ahhh

Moms servant is singing to her again uggh 

Can you shut up trying to sleep here!?lapis got up from her bed which was on a cloud of her own but she can hear her moms servant singing 

"Ugghh shut up" lapis whispered to herself while changing into her blue two piece dress she was supposed to wear her white one skin tight piece 

I'm not wearing that shit I'm gonna wear what I want lapis  ties her bow and gets her wings out 

Lapis looked at her wings ok that's knew what the heck happened to my wings?! Lapis thought her wings had tints of blue on the edges and blue scattered around like water spreading on a tissue spreading slowly 

I can't let them see this I think I'll walk to the meeting room 

Lapis gets out of her room and fixes her hair she heads to the meeting room ...slowly ... she really didn't want to deal with her family today like everyday she walked in and sat down in her seat 

"Lapis lazuli where are your proper gown and attachments?"her mother blue and winter hair her name was blue diamond one  of the empowers of the world of the heavens 

"I didn't want to wear it so I wore what I want"lapis argued with her mother and blue calmly spoke sternly to her daughter 

"Alright fine wear what you want but that will not change our minds about our family's decision me and your sister have been talking and we've decided... you know the warrior plains on earth there prince jasper has asked for your hand in marriage and we have already decided that it's a yes so in two weeks you will be married" 

Lapis froze and got up her chair and slammed the table 

"What!? We've talked about this before!? Mom why did you say yes? You already know that I'm gay!?"Lapis slammed the table "calm down this will help my kingdom and benefit the kingdom"blue stood up 

"YOUR KINGDOM!? Of course you say that! Because all you care about is your self! You don't care about what I feel!? I don't even like men!!!"Lapis head heart and stomach was throbbing and she shed a tear 

Lapis has cried before but this was different she felt a hatred and in her head a voice

It's time to come out~ The voice came to life 

Lapis didn't realize nut her wings flew out then her sister aquamarine and her mother blue had watched as lapis's wings turned blue and her ounce light white hair (yes her hair wats white before) had turned blue and her wings changed from white to blue to water ...

"WELL guess what! It's a no! Never! And if you don't except it you can say bye to me right now!!"Lapis clenched her fist and was going to leave in about 5 seconds 

"Bye leave and never.return.again"blue came a step closer 

Lapis barged out the door and spread her wings and flew down the clouds to a place where she only knows and goes to 

At least that's what she thought....

She flew down but saw a figure already there it was red and had horns and was hot literally  her tail had a flame on the end

And she was short?...

Peridot pov

I looked at the ceiling and hummed which is not allowed for people like me or should I say demons yeah that's right I'm a demon but I'm not like them I'm more of a nice and relaxed demon 

Most of my family and my mother are dictators my brother squareidiot or s.d for short and my mother yellow diamond one of the other empowers of the earth the demon kingdom

Peridot hummed aNd even began to sing a little song she made up

The song you see is something I made so hope you like it!😁

I could tell you that I want to be alone 

But I just can't abandon my home 

I always thought fightings all you've ever known 

I guess it's true because you've left me on my own 

Please don't leave me 

Oh oh ohh oh 

Please don't leave me


I could tell you what have I got to lose 

But if you were in my shoes

You would wish that youuuu were never born oh oh oh

Please don't leave me

Oh oh ohh oh

Please don't leave me 


Peridot sighed and  then fell off her bed because some one was at her  door

"Hey twerp! Time to eat so get up and get ready maggot!!!"that was s.d and peridot groaned and went to the dinning area 

"Morning"peridot sat down and yellow spoke "peridot we need to have a talk it's about your behavior it has come to my attention that you have been not acting like a demon you haven't even learned how to put flame on your tail so if you don't start acting right then we'll  you will be corrected and sent to the warrior grounds to train got it" yellow sternly looked ya peridot

"W-what so I'm a little nicer then the others you can't just send me away to a place I've never been too!?"Peridot stood up 

"Oh please at least I'm being nice and not just banishing you away!?"yellow was ticked off and was getting angry 

"I-I fine then I'll go"peridot said looking down 

"Good you have some sense"yellow was walking away but peridot spoke

"BANISH ME tHEN!!!"Peridot yelled

"I'd make better friends up there then here!!"

"What do you know about 'making friends'!?"yellow yelled 

"Apparently more then you yOu you CLOD!!"yellow stood back 

Peridot twitched and yelled "I WOULD RATHER BE BANISHED THEN BE SENT AWAY!!!"Peridot heeled her demon wings came out and she stomped her leg hard too the point the floor had broke 

Her family watched in awe or surprised and watched as peridots tail had sparked and a flame burst from her tail and grew bigger and her devil horns came out too she went full demon

She ran out 

S.d looked at her sister run "wait sis!"and it was to late she already left to the earth surface and flew to her relaxing meadow which no one knew about

They wouldn't find me here 

That's what she thought... she was there for 5 minutes and   Something caught her eye and she saw a blue figure coming from the sky 

"I w-wow"peridot stood in awe as she flew down a meter flying on top peridot she was on the ground and they were starting at each other 

Then all of a sudden...

"Who are you!?" They both stood back from each other and lapis and peridot both got in a fighting stance 

"Who are you?"they both looked confused and put there fist lowered 

"Wait a second how do you know about this place!?"

They went back to there fighting stance 



To be continued

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