Chapter Seventeen

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What. The. Actual. Fuck. I don't know what you guys are doing but please, please keep doing it, okay?? We weren't even at 600 reads when I uploaded Chapter Sixteen on Friday. We're currently at 838. I don't get it. I love you. Every single one of you. Like I love you a lot. And I hope every single one of you meets 1D and I hope they kiss both of your cheeks and then follow you on instagram and twitter. I don't even care. I love you. I love you. I love you. And now it's time for our shouts. Shout shouting shouts to @WindingRoads and her story Beauty Queen of Only 18 that makes me laugh and also sing (very loudly and off key, I might add) She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5. She's fabulous and I love her bunches and she's just a total dollface. So shouts to you, Alex!! :) Anywho, I don't think I have anything else to say really....DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT AND VOTE. We really like talking to you guys! A lot!! Everyone so far has been totally chill and down right awesome. And once we reach our first 1000 reads we'll have a surprise for you, so keep it up, keep it up!!! ♥ :) xX Em Frickin' Fresh 

*Harry's POV*

Coryn stormed back into the house, the door slamming behind her loudly as she marched up the stairs. We waited cautiously as we heard another door slam and then the sound of loud music being blasted through speakers. Something about September, rain, and the melting of skin. Just listening to it made me want a cold glass of water. 

I looked up and all the lads were staring at me with wide eyes. "Not it," I said quickly but they didn't even budge. "What?"

 "You're it, mate," Niall mumbled around a yawn. 

"She won't talk to any of us the way she talks to you," Liam agreed. 

I stared at them blankly. They couldn't be serious. "I did it last time."

Zayn shrugged, typing something in his phone. "The other night, I heard her screaming and I went in to check on her. She punched me in the face. Never happening again," he stated simply.

I sighed heavily and heaved myself off of the couch. The closer I got to her door the more terrified I actually was. What if she was mad at me from earlier? What if she punched me like she punched Zayn? 

 I knocked on the door lightly only to find it slightly open. Pushing it slowly open further, I peeped in to see her sitting in the middle of the floor, hundreds of pictures spread out around her. She never looked up. Not even as I walked in and sat down in front of her.

"Where did I go wrong, Harry?" she whispered, fresh tears streaming down her face. "When did I become such a fuck up that my best friend can't even trust me to be alone for three days?" 

 I didn't know how to respond. I just sat there watching her while she picked up random photos and looked at them before placing them back on the ground. How do you help fix a broken person when you yourself are broken?

She finally looked up at me and rolled her eyes, tears still rolling down her face. "Jesus, Harry. You suck at this. This is the part where you go 'No, Coryn, it's not that he doesn't trust you, it's just that he cares about you so much that he can't even bare to consider leaving you alone and letting you get hurt'. That's how this usually goes. Have you never seen a Lifetime movie before?" 

I couldn't help but smile slighty before standing up and reaching out my hand towards her. "But what's the point of telling you that if you already know it for yourself?"

She stared up at me blankly before a half smile slowly appeared on her lips. She grabbed on to my hand and helped as I heaved her up. "You suck," she mumbled as she hugged me tightly, burying her head in my chest.

I sighed heavily and hugged her back. "Us fuck ups got to stick together, right?"

She sighed before pulling away from me and plopping down heavily onto her bed. "He wants me to go to the awards dinner with you guys," she mumbled.

I shrugged my shoulders and laid down next to her. "I figured as much. Don't worry, though. It'll be a brilliant."

She turned her head to me and scrunched up her face. "Sorry, I should've been more specific. He wants me to go to the awards dinner with you."

I stayed silent, mentally cursing Ed for his horribly horrible timing. "Still," I finally said, breaking the silence. "It can still be brilliant."

 She sighed and again and rolled over onto her side, staring intently at my face. "People underestimate you, you know. You're more than just a pretty face."

I couldn't help but give her a cheeky smile. "You think my face is pretty?" I asked with a wink and a playful shove. 

"Shut up, Styles," she groaned. "You know what I meant." 

We both stayed silent for a while, just listening to the music still playing constantly in the background. I couldn't think of anything to say. Thanking her seemed weird. And telling her that her face was pretty seemed even weirder. Everything about our relationship was weird. Maybe that's why I just couldn't avoid her like I wanted to. The weirdness was addicting.

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