Chapter Twenty-One

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Holy shit, you guys. 1,137 reads. One thousand, one hundred, thirty-seven reads. That's a lot of fucking reads, okay? And they continuously keep growing as I write this. I've already changed it three times. You are all absolutely fucking amazing. Come over to my house and watch American Horror Story with me while shoveling Kettle Korn into your mouth and sipping on chai tea. Seriously. My bedroom's big enough for everyone. You might want to bring your own pillow. Anyways, today we shout whooping shouts to @summerintheclouds and her story Serendipitous. It's so fabulously written and perfect unf. I love you, babygurl. I hope you guys continue loving our story and I hope you don't for some strange reason start to hate me. Feel free to message me! Seriously. Alex is my only friend because I'm too lazy to go across the street to Kay's house because, you know, ew physical activity. And I love you all so very very much. Happy reading, porcelains!!

*Coryn's POV*

I stood in the elevator impatiently tapping my foot as it sluggishly attempted to make it's way to the eighteenth floor. It felt like I'd already been in there for what seemed like forever and I was only at floor eight. Ten more floors. Just ten more. I could make it ten more floors and the twenty steps that it took to get to the hotel room. I could make it before I had either an emotional breakdown or I punched someone in the face.

Who the fuck did she think she was? I don't care if she's famous and has a very bubbly personality and her hair happens to be a very nice shade of bright red, you can't just date someone for publicity, break up with them after you got really popular, and then come back and try to steal them for their girlfriend! You just can't do that! It goes against the rule book! Just no.

The elevator doors finally opened on my floor with a ping. I sighed heavily and pushed off of the wall, dragging my feet as I walked down the hallways towards our room. I could hear them before I actually saw them. 

"Ohmygod! Coryn, can you sign this?!" 

I spun around quickly to find a group of girls standing next to the elevator squealing. There was a large group on them, maybe ten or fifteen people smiling at me expectantly. I vaguely remembered seeing them in the lobby. They squealed again and came closer, each clutching a magazine and Sharpie to their chest.

"Please? If you don't mind?" one asked, looking at the ground. She had curly brown hair and her sleeves pulled down over her fingertips.

I looked at them with confused expressions. "Why? I'm not famous." 

They all giggled before the blonde with her boobs pushed up to almost her forehead stepped forward. 

"But you're dating Harry, right? The Harry Styles?" She asked like I could ever be confused on what Harry I was dating. I just nodded my head and crossed my arms over my chest. "Well, we have a fan club dedicated to every single one of the boys girlfriend. It would be cool to get a signature for one of you."

I felt my features scrunch up even more as the confusion kept getting worse. "So why not ask Danielle? Or Perrie? They're outside talking to fans now. And they are actually famous and do something with her life."

The blonde rolled her eyes and sighed, handing me a piece of paper. "Just do it."

I raised my eyebrows and stared at her. She seriously caught me on the wrong day. "And if I don't want to?" 

She glared at me, taking a step closer, and placing her hands on her hips. "I'll tweet Harry and say that you were a bitch to us." 

The brunette shot her a dirty look. "Colette. Cut it out. If she doesn't want to sign it, she doesn't have to," she hissed.

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