Two Days Later

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Pete couldn't take not talking to Patrick anymore. He needed to know the truth. He knocked on the door of his apartment after school.

When Patrick opened the door, Pete noticed that he looked bad. He didn't know how hard Patrick was taking everything. He was under the impression that Patrick wanted to get back with Charlotte, regardless.

"Thought you weren't talking to me," Patrick said, snapping his fingers.

"I want to know what really happened," Pete said, pushing his way inside.

The apartment was clean. Too clean.

Pete went to sit on the couch, but he noticed Patrick cringe. "I need to burn that."

"Why?" Pete scoffed.

"Because I had sex with my ex-wife on it."

Pete's eyes widened. He didn't know what to say.

Patrick shrugged. "You wanted to know really happened."

"You're suck a jerk," Pete muttered. "I could--- I could fucking slap you right now."

"Wash your hands first."

"What is wrong with you?" Pete yelled, getting in Patrick's face. "Do you even fucking care about what's happening right now?"

Patrick turned his back and crossed his arms. He felt Pete set his forehead on his shoulder.

"You know what the worst part is?" Pete asked. He knew that he wouldn't get a response from Patrick. "I still love you."

"I'm sorry, Pete," Patrick muttered.

"You're sorry that I caught you."

"She wanted to get back together, Pete. What was I supposed to say to her?"


Patrick sighed, and he felt Pete move away from him. "When you have the chance to have your family back, it's hard to not think about it."

"What about me?"

"That's what made it so difficult. Because I don't love her. I love you."

"I need to go," Pete whispered, pushing past Patrick once again. Patrick didn't run after him. It would've been no use. Pete shut the door behind him and rushed to the elevator.

Patrick felt a wet nose against his pant leg, and he looked down to see Juneau gazing up at him with her tongue sticking out. He bent down and ran his fingers through her brown fur.

"You still love me, right?"

Her tail was wagging, so Patrick took it as a yes and scooped her up, taking her to the bedroom with him. She cuddled against his chest in bed, and Patrick pet her mindlessly.

Losing Pete hurt the first time, but losing him again was too much. Patrick's anxiety made fun of him and pushed every button he had.

Patrick hugged his dog closer and kissed the top of her head. He wondered if she missed seeing Charlotte. If she would like to have her mommy and daddy back together. And then he wondered if she would miss having Pete around. If she thought she was gaining another daddy.

Patrick's phone buzzed in his pocket, and for a split second, he hoped it would be Pete.

Dallon: yo I'm struggling on this homework. You're not collecting it, are you?

Patrick called Dallon's number. It was the first time since he broke up with Pete that Dallon talked to him.

"You could've just texted back."

"I need help."

"Didn't I tell you not to come crying to me when you messed everything up?"

"I'm not crying. I just need you to get Brendon to stop pushing Pete and I together. It's over. I don't think he wants to look at me ever again."

Dallon sighed. "I can do that. Now are you collecting that homework?"

Patrick smirked. "Yep. Get cracking, Weekes."


Pete and Patrick didn't look at each other when they passed in the hallway. They avoided eye contact and didn't mutter a word to each other.

Brendon didn't notice it as out of the ordinary. Pete and Patrick always avoided each other during school hours. He didn't care that his Homecoming date suggested they stop the Peterick Project. He knew that Pete and Patrick were destined to be together. And he wanted to make the toast at their wedding.

After Patrick collected the homework that Dallon was nervous to turn in, Brendon asked to go to the bathroom. Patrick snapped his fingers.

"Have fun. Come back eventually."

Brendon marched straight into Pete's classroom. He was done beating around the bush. He was going to ask Pete out for Patrick.

Pete looked up from the paintings he was grading when he heard the door swing open. Brendon walked right up to him and slammed his hands on the desk.

"Can I help you, Brendon?" Pete asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll be helping yourself, not me," Brendon declared. Pete just looked confused, making Brendon sigh. "You should go out with Mister Stumph. I've been trying to set you up but neither of you will get with the program."

Pete's lips twisted in a snarl. Brendon was definitely not expecting that as a reaction.

"Patrick and I have been with the program," Pete said. "He doesn't want to date me, and I don't want to date him. I don't even like him as a person right now."

Brendon faltered. That was not how his plan was supposed to go. Pete was supposed to blush and smile, not snarl and tear Patrick down.

"You should get back to his class before he tears into you. He can be a real inconsiderate bitch."

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