chapter 1: season 1

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Third person pov

Mrs. Haruno water broke and was taken to the hospital.Few hours later two twin sister were born one of them was crying and the other one was giggling.

The one that was giggling had three diamond in her forehead with blue eyes and the one that was crying didn't and had green eyes.

"The one with green eyes is going to be sakura"Mrs.Haruno said "And the one with blue eyes is kiyomi"Mr. Haruno said.

Twelve years later

"Wake up we are going to be late "the pink head with green eyes said yelling at here sister. "Tomorrow..."said the other pink head.



The girl with blue eyes broke the clock with not even trying "this is the fith clock you broken!!!"sakura said "I'm sorry I'll get up"

~~~they already graduate

Kiyomi pov

We got their and sakura was fighting ino so I just went to sit next to Naruto. He started to glare at sasuke and a kid push him and they kiss. I started to laugh. They gagged and my sister and her fan girls were angry. They hit Naruto and I felt bad so I heal him.

Iruka sensei walk in and everyone went to their seets . "I will be a sign you guys a team. Team seven Naruto uzumaki,sakura Haruno" Naruto was happy and sakura was mad"sasuke uchiha" sakura was happy and Naruto was mad "and for the odd number kiyomi Haruno" Naruto,sakura was happy and sasuke was smirking.

~~~to the survivor test

To be continued......

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