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Peppa stared out into the morning sky, tears sliding down her pink cheek, the sunrise reminding her of Gerald. She missed him; the way he held her, walked with her, and sometimes, even, held her hand.

"Oh Gerald, why won't you come back to me?" she clutched a wilting rose to her chest, sobbing, snorting, snotting. Her mommy soon came in, but Peppa ignored her.

"Peppa, dear, it's time to get ready for school."

"I'm sick." Mommy Pig sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You were sick yesterday, dear."

"Sickness lasts more then one day!"

"And the day before that! Look, I'm not letting you rot your brain out just because of some boy. And for the record, I think Daddy Pig did the right thing, h-" Peppa whipped around angrily.

"Right thing? Gerald wasn't just some boy. I loved him! I loved him and you took him away from me!" she snorted and pushed past her mommy.

"Peppa! Peppa..." Mommy Pig watched as Peppa walked out the door and hopped into the family's red car. "You can't drive sweety! Your not even-"

"Be quiet!" She hopped in and started to press on the gas and turn the steering wheel. Nothing happened.

"Why won't it work!!!!" She hopped back out and fumed. "Because you don't have the keys, darling." Peppa clenched her hands together.

"Whatever! I don't need a car!" She began moving to get he scooter, and George came out happily. "Scooter?" He asked silently; they could read his expressions, as he was mute. The older sister pig sighed and proceeded to show George how to ride a scooter.

And then she drove off into the sky as George and Mommy Pig stood there confused.

Will she come back? Asked George silently, and Mommy Pig shrugged in answer. She knew who she was off to find. But then Daddy Pig emerged from the house, asking where she went.

"School." Mommy Pig lied, as she understood premature love.

Destined To Be | Peppa Pig ffWhere stories live. Discover now