Chapter 2 : Popularity

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your stanky ass turtle is 10 now and is gaining subs and views on YT , every day you pick up over 1000 scales because he malts somehow , thought that was just for dogs or something but apparently your turtle has furry disease, anyway he has like 100000000000000000000000000 subscribers and it has been 1 day , why so many people like him omg , just a turtle that speaks English and all the other languages, and I gave birth to him so suck my toes . Your turtle runs to you , you didn't name him , it's just turtle , but he calls himself big eboy turtle gamer so whatever 😒 "mOmMy " he said in his gross croaky voice 🤢🤮 "wtf you want skanky ass " I reply "f in the chat , u so nice . Buy me water for my bed please , I'm gonna dry out" he says happily , he thinks your nice when you say that "yeah , I'll get the toilet water in a second , gonna take dump first 😋" as you go and take big phat dump in the big toilet , mixing it into the water as you cool it , and poor it in turtles tank bed as he starts his next stream . I only do this for the money .

Turtle x BTS ( Sad Oneshot ) Sold to the mafia (18+) Where stories live. Discover now