Rottmnt Mikey x foot girl

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SO ever since hot soup the game Mikey and the foot girl met and they seem to have a lot in common

1. Their babyed by their teammates 

So in,the first episode they meet towards the end raph Donnie and Leo came to rescue mikey when they thought he was in danger 

And then the foot comes to rescue the foot girl thinking she was in danger

The thing they have in common with each other is they don't wanna be treated like a baby and at that moment they seemed to be getting along with each other until they resume fighting 

2.they both like Lou jitsu 

Even though they had very different taste on Lou jitsu movies they both were fighting up until fg was told that it wasn't right they both fought viciously with Mikey almost leaving with the game until his brothers burst in fg was also about to leave until the clan burst in was their first solo mission 

As we can all tell Mikey Don't leave his brothers sides that often so far there has only been two episodes where he's no right next to at least one of his brothers he even says getting the game was his first solo mission

Fg first solo mission was also looking for a lou jitu artifact so they met in their first solo mission with the same objectives getting the game on their own 

4.they have both been tricked by someone they admire 

Mikey has always admired meat sweats before he was mutated and still does when meat sweats sucks out Todd's nice powers he acts to be nice but he hurts Mikey so Mikey would think he looks like a good friend at the end of the episode Mikey finds out it was a fake friendship all the time (admit it you cried when Mikey cried* 

Meanwhile with the fg in a later episode she teams up with baron and they fight for a higher rank in the foot clan she later finds out she was tricked by him and he makes her an assistant

That's all I have for now on why I ship them but you don't have to agree with me (;-;) but yea 

tell me what your opinion on this ship in the comments

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