Childs Play

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What was the day
When I didn't
Dream to be,
An astronaut or a lion tamer?

What was the day
When I couldn't,
Go to play
Football with my neighbour?

What was the day
When the ice-cream van
Passed by
Without a scream?

What was the day
When I didn't want
To read
A comic magazine?

What was the day
When I cared about
The clothes
I wore that day?

What was the day
When hard work
Took over play?

What was the day
When I had questions
That my mum
Couldn't explain?

What was the day
When I made decisions
By what
There was to gain?

What was the day
When I stopped having fun?
What was the day
When I stopped being young?

© JustClaire ™ 2019

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