~Chapter 1~

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Ryan's P.O.V

Great. Another day. Can't wait to go on patrol after school tho! Man, the bullies tho....Ehh, maybe they'll skip school like they do sometimes. 

No one. 

Absolutely no one.....


I'M COMING MOOOOMMMM!!!!! Geese...way to break the silence...

_After Breakfast_

Ryan's Mom: Bye hunny!

Bye moooommmm.

Off to school. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy......(I want to die)

No ones P.O.V

Ryan starts to walk to the bus stop. He waits there for the bus to come. Some other school students starts to arrive at the bus stop. The school bus finally arrives. Ryan and the others get on the school bus and off the school they go. Tina rides the same school bus as Ryan so at least he can sit and talk to her on the bus. They finally arrive to RockTon High school. Ryan, Tina and everyone else get off the bus and go to the school. School starts at 7:30. The doors don't open until 7:20. So here is everyone, standing outside. Tina, Ryan and Goldy stand off to the side so they avoid getting seen by the bullies. They talk and share what they did over the weekend. Of course, Ryan couldn't tell them everything he did over the weekend because, you know, his secret identity should be kept secret. Even from his friends. Because, Tina will just become more clingy and Goldy is a spoiler Alert. 

Finally, the school day starts. Everyone goes to their lockers and then goes to first class. Tina, Ryan and Goldy have some classes together. Ryan's least favorite class is science right now because, well, it reminds him of a friend. That Friends name was UnicornMann. He loved science and Ryan had science with him. Now every-time Ryan goes to science, it reminds him of Unicorn...UnicornMann had disappeared about a year ago. Ryan, Tina even Goldy is upset and can never forget the day they found out that he went missing....Goldy and Ryan are probably the closet people to Unicorn. Tina is, but, keeps some distance for some reason. 

_After school at Ryan's house_

Tina: Ryan, whats wrong?

Ryan: ...

Goldy: Tina, can I talk to you in private?

Tina: ughhh fine..

_Outside his room_

Tina: What?

Goldy: He's thinking about.......Uni....

Tina: ......I......*sighs* see...

Tina: Why all of a sudden?

Goldy: Did you forget? Every~time he has science he comes home like this, Still remembering Unicorn.

Tina: Oh...There's just so much that happened over the weeks..

Goldy: I get it..That's what I wanted to say....But, I didn't want to do it in front of him tho..

Tina: ...

Goldy: And, I think i'll be heading home. You take care of this.

Goldy: And, the reason why you have to is because i'm dumb. Bye!

Tina: ...

_Back in Ryan's room_

Tina: Hey,

Ryan: What?

Tina: I know I miss h--

Ryan: No. no no no. You don't. You weren't close like me and goldy. You kept your distance. Why? Why is that?

Tina: I--

Ryan: Hmm?

Tina: *whispers* because he liked Goldy very much and I helped him with how to some what get a girl. I didn't want him to accidentally fall for me so I tried to help him but keep a little distance.

Ryan: Why whisper?

Tina: Because Goldy told me she was going home and I don't believe that and she probably just stuck around to hear on in.

Ryan: oh....So, you kept a distance because you were helping him but didn't want a relationship relationship because you wanted him to have another relationship relationship?

Tina: y-ya...ya that's pretty munch what I had said.

Ryan: oh.

Tina: I should get going.

Ryan: ya ok. See ta tomorrow!

Tina: Nye!

Ryan's P.O.V

Finally, I can go on patrol! I just need to get my suit on and get some more teaa and i should be good to go! 

Finally ready! Now let's go!

_After 20 minutes of speeding around on the rooftops_

Tea~Man//Ryan: I guess ther--

???: Why, Who may you be?

Tea~Man//Ryan: Wha? Unicorn!?

End of chapter

A/N  Left a awww manny clif hanger. Sorry not sorry!!

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