~Chapter 2~

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Quote of the day:  "They say i'm a hero, They forget i'm just a kid..."


_After 20 minutes of speeding around on the rooftops_

Tea~Man//Ryan: I guess ther--

???: Why, Who may you be?

Tea~Man//Ryan: Wha? Unicorn!?

Back to reality,

Tea~Man: Uhh i think t should be the other way around. Who are you?

???: Why, i am Villa~Corn!!! The best super villain around! 

Tea~Man: That has to be Unicorn....But, he was a super~hero, not villain..

Villa~Corn: Hey! Are you listening!!?

Tea~Man: Oh yes sorry, And i'm the best super-hero, Tea~Man!!

Villa~Corn: Well, then Tea~Man, i'm afraid i can't let you be in my way.

Tea~Man: And i'm afraid that i can't let you  hurt this city.

Villa~Corn: UGHH! STOP COPYING ME!! *shoots dark magic at Tea~Man*

Tea~Man: Woooaah! Hey! Watch it!

_After battling for 30 minutes_

Villa~Corn: Ugghhh, looks like you defeated me this time, I'll get you!!!

Tea~Man: HA! Sure....



Tea~Man: Finally, i can go home before mom finds out...

*Ryan: Walks through the door*

Ryan's Mom: And where have you been?

Ryan: uhhhhhh, ummm at Tina's house.

Ryan's Mom: ...

Ryan's Mom: ok..She is your friend..

Ryan: Feww... So, mom how was work?

Ryan's Mom: It was ok....Bob was annoying tho.

Ryan: Again? *sighs* Leaving all his work for you again?

Ryan's Mom: Ya....

Ryan: They should really fire him...

Ryan's Mom: Agreed.

Ryan's Mom: Anyways, How was your day at school?

Ryan: It was fine...No bullies today. They probably skipped school.

Ryan's Mom: That's bullies for ya...and, well, at least i didn't have to pick you up early because you couldn't see out of one eye because of a black eye. 

Ryan: *chuckles* ya...

Ryan's Mom: He return yet?

Ryan: No.....

Ryan's Mom: Well, let's have dinner and then you get some rest.

Ryan: Ok...Sounds good.

\_Next day_/


Ryan did the usual, wake up, eat breakfast and go...Had the same kinds of days, except the fact that the bullies decided to show up. Ryan, like always, get's beat up by the bullies.  And, like always, Tina and Goldy weren't there to help. Neither was Unicorn. Man...where's Unicorn when you need him... 

Anyways, Luckily the bullies got caught and had detention(AGAIN). Ryan didn't get too hurt. He did get a couple of bruises tho. Survived the rest of the day and went home. He ate dinner with his mom then went to bed.

But, he didn't REALLY go to bed. A new villain was out there and sounded like he was coming back to get deaf ted(THE VILLAIN) Ryan put on his suit and then snuck out the window. Zoomed on top of the rooftops for  awhile. 


Sorry it be short.

School night...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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