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How we view ourselves is probably one of the most important factors to our mental health. This self image that we have created for ourselves can be either good or bad, its your choice. If you find yourself struggling to maintain a healthy image of yourself say some of these mantras out loud when you wake up or go to bed. Incorporate them into your daily life by leaving positive sticky notes in your purse, mirror, wallet, whatever it may be to remind yourself of how truly amazing you are. Sometimes your biggest critic is yourself. In order to combat that remind yourself daily of all that you do right. 

You are unique and perfect in every way, you are on your own path to success. Start fulfilling your dreams and limiting negative self-talk. You have a purpose, so start living your own life instead of comparing yourself to others. You are where you are meant to be in life and everyones version of success looks different. Repeat these affirmations and look back on them to remind yourself of how wonderful being yourself actually is. Reflect of what specific actions or events in your life make you grateful for being who you are. 

I am strong

I am happy

I am loved by everyone

I have a purpose in life

I can overcome any obstacles in my path

I am doing the best I can

I am beautiful inside and out

I have already made so much progress

I have so much to be grateful for

I am unique

I have the determination to accomplish anything I set my mind to

I am learning and growing everyday

My mistakes don't define who I am

I inspire everyone around me

I choose to think positively

I will not let other people's words bring me down

I am at peace with myself

I am getting closer to my goals

I am free from negativity

I love myself for who I am

Hopefully after reading these carefully selected affirmations you develop a more positive outlook on your life. Don't live a life that others want you to live, start today by being authentic to your true self. When you come to acceptance with everything that makes you who you are, you will start to develop a more positive view on life. The number one takeaway from this chapter is that you should never compare yourself to others. It leads to a dangerous path of self-degradation. Each and every one of us has a purpose and it is up to us as individuals to live out that purpose. Know that you are doing everything in your power to be the best version of you and thats all that matters.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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