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Everyday, people all over the world are trying to wrap their minds around what makes a person truly happy. Anyways, how can we be happy when our life seems to be caving in on us? The truth is, happiness isn't something that we must "find", its within all of us already. We don't go on a hunt to discover what happiness is, it's a choice. We can choose to let the happiness flow from our soul, or we do not.

This is not to say that we won't have bad times, everyone does. However, people who are good at tapping into that happiness well within them are much more willing and able to overcome sadness. When you are presented with an obstacle, do you find yourself becoming defeated easily? The supply of hope runs dry and you are left with nothing but negative emotions? We have all experienced moments of sadness, confusion, frustration, but hopefully by the time you are done reading this book you will be armed with the ability to recover from such emotions more quickly. In life, happiness isn't measured by our material possessions, its measured by the moments we find joy in experiencing. If only we could start appreciating everything we have an are able to do. Even in the unpleasant tasks of everyday life, find fulfillment in the fact that you were blessed to even be alive to do them. Instead of your first response being to complain, develop an awareness of your comments and correct them at the source. There is so much to be happy for in life, so stop limiting yourself emotionally and branch out. Find beauty in the simple things and don't let the bad taint the mood for the rest of your day. These are just some of the objectives I hope as a reader you can take away from this book:

1) How to control your emotions and not let your emotions control you

2) How to overcome sadness more quickly

3) How to overcome obstacles and stressful situations that present themselves daily

4) Strategies on forming beneficial habits to promote positivity

Now what if we could learn to better control our emotions? How can we start on this journey to emotional intelligence? If you continue reading, this book will cover an endless number of ideas that you can start putting into practice to transform your life. These are just some of the questions this book will cover and more. Happiness has been within you all along, now lets start tapping into its potential.

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