Chapter 2: The Arrival

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This chapter contains some darker, more adult content which includes miscarriage. If you have a hard time reading about it, please skip ahead. 

Doug had gotten to the hospital quicker than he expected. He met Ben in the waiting room, and was then taken back to see Mal. She was doing quite well, and was progressing beautifully. He gave her a hug, and asked them if they needed anything, to which the royal couple said no thank you. Doug could feel his palms start to sweat and the room began to spin. He excused himself, and went back out to the waiting room. He sat himself down with his head between his legs in one of the cold, sterile chairs they had available in the baby wing of the hospital. He started to cry as he remembered that fateful day ten years ago... 

Evie sat in the hospital bed in excruciating pain, while Doug sat and held her hand. He wished there was something more he could do for his girlfriend, but unfortunately there wasn't. She had tears streaming down her face, and beads of sweat rolling off of her forehead. The doctor came in after just a few minutes, and gave them the news they never wanted to hear, 'Evie, you are miscarrying. We are going to have to deliver this baby tonight.' 

Doug and Evie hadn't told anyone about the pregnancy. They agreed that at twenty weeks they could tell their friends and family about the baby, but they wanted to make sure that everything was going to be okay. Evie only made it to eighteen weeks. How could this happen? In a month Mal and Ben would be getting married, and they were going to tell everyone at the reception. 

Evie sat in a state of shock, Doug completely awe struck. This baby was coming tonight, and the chances of  he/she surviving were less than one percent. After just a few small pushes, their baby came into this world. She was beautiful, but oh so tiny. They named her Lux, meaning light. In an instant, it was all over. Evie had asked to have some alone time to rest, which Doug happily gave her. That is when he found himself on the cold, sterile chairs in the baby wing of the hospital, head between his legs, sobbing. 

A familiar voice snapped him back to reality. 

"Hi, yes. Can you please point me in the direction of Queen Mal's room?" 

Doug had gotten up slowly and walked over to the blue haired beauty. "Evie, hey."

"Douglas," she started and gave him a side hug. "How have you been?"

"You don't have to be formal, you can just call me Doug. We are still friends, aren't we? But yeah, I've been good, just teaching Chemistry at Auradon Prep, and helping Ben when I can. How about you? How are you?" He said while rubbing the back of his head nervously. 

"I have been great, living with my boyfriend, and my clothing line is still blowing up. Just been a super busy last couple of years," she quickly retorted. 

"I am glad you are doing well," he replied and they both just stood in silence for a minute. "Well, I can show you to the room they are in if you'd like?" 

"That would be great, thank you very much," she smiled slightly. 

The walked down the hall and straight past the room were Evie stayed in ten years ago. Doug stopped her as she began to tear up. 

"Evie, the last time either of us were here, we lost a child. Neither of us have told anyone about it either, and I just want to make sure that you're going to be okay being here..." Doug started. 

"Can we just not talk about it? At least not here, not tonight. I will be fine, as long as I don't think about it, and someone," she stops and makes emphasis on the 'someone', "doesn't bring it up. Clear?" 

'Typical Evie,' Doug thought to himself. 'Always pushing down her feelings, and making sure I feel small.'

"Crystal clear," he quickly responded. 'This was going to be a long night'

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