Chapter 11: "Come home."

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It had been a month since the two love birds had found out they were going to be parents. Evie's morning sickness was in full swing, as she was nearing the end of her first trimester. They had had two doctors appointments, to make sure the baby was growing okay, and that she was able to carry this one to full term. From what the doctor could see, the baby was still a blob of cells, a healthy blob of cells, and Evie and Doug looked at those ultrasounds and grinned from ear to ear that that was their baby. 

Doug was amazing at helping Evie through this tough time, just like he was the first time, over ten years ago. He held back her hair when she was puking, would make food runs in the middle of the night when she was craving something, gave her lots of back scratches and foot rubs after her long days, and brought her favorite flowers and chocolates out of nowhere. He was the best boyfriend and baby daddy anyone could ask for. The only problem was, Doug wasn't living with her, I mean not officially.

Their home was fully renovated, but Evie was the one who lived in the house. Doug had kept is small apartment near the school, not wanting to rush into anything Evie wasn't 100% comfortable with. Sure, they were going to have a baby together. And yes, they were both head over heels for the other, but Doug wanted to respect whatever Evie wanted when it came to this. He had made that mistake before, and he lost her in the process. 'Never again,' he vowed. 

Evie laid in bed one night, alone, after Doug had gone to his apartment to shower, get a few hours of sleep, and then come back to the love of his life in the morning. He wanted to make sure that she slept okay, because the next day was their first 3D ultrasound, and the doctor was sure that he would be able to see some features of their child, and maybe the gender, depending on if the baby was cooperating. 

Tears streamed down Evie's face as she picked up her phone to look at the time. '3:27 AM' it read. She dialed Doug's number, halfway hoping he was asleep, but the other half hoping that he would pick up. After the first ring, she hears his voice on the other line. 

"Princess, you should be sleeping," he said matter of factly. 

"I don't sleep well when you're not here..." Evie started. 

"Eve, we got a big day tomorrow, you need your rest," he countered. 

Evie took a deep breath, "Come home. I don't want you to have to leave to go and get new clothes, or shower, or to sleep in a bed that isn't ours. Doug, come home to me."

"Evangeline, are you asking me to move in with you?" Doug chuckled. 

"This has always been OUR house, our bed, our garden, and you have always been my home. Please, just come home."

"I'm on my way," he said quickly. "We can get the rest of the stuff tomorrow after our appointment."

"See you soon, lover boy," Evie said grinning. 

Still working out the kinks with everything! Short chapter, but hoping y'all like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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