No Paradise

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Once upon a time, I found solace in religion. 

But I never believe in the myth of God 

It's not what I long for 

It's not I need in my life 

Because there is no God in my life 

As I am a Godless heathen 

They say there is a god in my fucking life 

But he is not what I need in my life 

God has long abandoned me, as I have abandoned him 

I haven't felt his presence in a long time 

He never answers when I call out too him 

He doesn't help me with all this pain inside of my heart. 

I ask myself what did I do ever to offend him? 

Is god still alive, 

No god is dead or in a comatose state. 

Is this really the life I wanted? 

Fuck No!  

That is when I look myself in the mirror 

As I look my reflection in the eye 

It's time to wake up 

and join fucking reality 

because there is no fucking paradise on the other side. 

Wake up there is no god to Save your miserable fucking soul! 

Wake up there is no god the church is filled with corrupted hypocrites! 

Wake up there is no god left in 

Because there is no good left in this world 

only Evil 

that crushes us like a flower in a mid September day. 

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