Chapter 5: I Will Always Love You

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Mom pov

Ever since the day my husband died I have been so stress out, angry, an depressed but mostly sad. He will never ever get to meet our baby girl Jasmine not even to see walk, birthdays, fathers day anything you name he will never get to see it but I know he is watching her an spirituality protecting as well as Destiny he miss her first father an daughter danceses he will really miss her graduation. I remember the day that car accident happened.

Flash back

4 years ago 2010 3:00pm

I remember a certain song that kept playing on the radio it was called I will always love you by Whitney Houston an I was pregnant with Jasmine.

Keshia ( the girls mom): girl this song keeps playing on the radio I just herd this like 20mins ago

Amber: What girl maybe its trying to tell you something

Keshia: I don't know cause he haven't came home yet, he suppose to get some food for the house

Amber: he be home soon I promise * hugs her*

Keshia: * hugs her back* I hope so * signs*

What made it so bad about it is that it was so cloudy that day an quite you can hear a penny drop if you was to drip it on the ground.

3 hours later

News lady: We are live here on the California parkway on the bridge where a head on collision happened, a drunk driver hit the man the man is expected to be alive an the women seems to alright but badly bruised. Coming a wo-

I cut the tv off an rushed Los Angeles hospital he was going in an out of his comma, by 2 weeks ended he died an his last words was I will always love you just like the song I was soo heart broken when he passed I couldn't so anything so by time i had Jasmine is sent her an Destiny to live with Franis an Andrew.

Destiny : mom please don't leave us we need you

Keshia: I'm sorry baby I can't I can't* crying*

Destiny: please mom please * crying*

Keshia: * hugs an kisses her cheek* remember what daddy an I say we will always love you an jasmine I will see you girls really soon

Destiny: * sniffles* ok I love you

Flash back over

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- Dede123192

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